3 minute read
Women Lumber Boosters---That's the Name
The National Organization of 'Women Lumber Boosters is the name Miss Alberta Ruth Brey, of Porterville, Cal., is giving the organization she has been sponsoring, in which she is expecting to group together all the women lumber dealers of the country for active service to the industry. She writes that the interest is growing, and that the organization WILII be formed.
Of cou.rse it will ! Who ever doubted it ?
The women are and will continue to be, the home builders of the nation. It is just and right that they SHOULD be. MAN ceased to choose the HOME long ages ago. In the beginning MAN was the guy that did the home building and thinking. Those were the days when men lived in trees and in caves, and chased each other around trees with knotty-headed clubs.
'With the stone age, passed the era of man-made homes.
Just as soon as some sign of corr,fort and convenience began manifesting themselves, the hardiwork of the woman was plainly manifested. And homes have improved with each passing generation, as more and. more completely they paBsed under the domination of the fairer sex.
And today there is more beauty, more comfort, more convenience, more sanitation, more actual luxury in a California type bungalow than Solomon's Temple in all its glory ever could muster.
So let the women organize to intensify and continue the good. work. We would love to attend a convention of the retail lumber women of this country. It would be a meeting so brimming over rvith'good home building and designing ideas that it would be worth going far to see and hear.
Pray let it be soon.
An OPTIMIST laughs to forgetA PESSIMIST forgets to laugh
Walter N. Baker, who lives in Sacramento, and travels for the llendrickson Lumber Company, of San Francisco, pulls a stunt that is entirely new in lumbering.
Because he bears the same name as the famous chocolate maker, Baker, he was long ago dubbed " The Chocolate IGng" by his friends, and that title has followed him. So to commercialize his title he prints his name and that of the Hendrickson I.lumber Company on neat little wrappers, and the wrappers are wrapped around delicious little chunks of chocolates, and he carries these in his pockets generally while calling on the trade. In place of the usual cigar, the bite of chocolate is his offering, and it always goes good.. The time has arrived when the average man is a chocolate eater, anway. Mr. Baker is a former retailer, having left the Sacradento Lumber Co. to join Rocl Hendrickson.
Besides Mr. Baker, Rod Hendrickson has another salesman, Lewis Godard, traveling out of the general offices in San Francisco, The Hendrickson I.lumber Company is enjoying a very nice volume of business this summer, carrying all their old lines and some new ones. They sell everything in Douglas Fir, including a special brand of lath made by the Wheeler T,umber Co., of Wheeler, Oregon, which they prai.se very highly. They sell Red Cedar Shingles also for the Wheeler Lumber Company.
The famous "University Brand" shingle made by the L. B. Iffenefee Lumber Company, of Portland, continues to be onlof Hendrickson's best sellers.
One good selling thought may develop ahundred others. Get an idea.
__Two important eontracts recently were secured by the -Weaver Roof oCmpany of I_.los Angeles, of which Sylvester Weaver, former president of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, is the active head.
One contract was for 4,000 rolls of rooffrg, approximating five carloads, to cover the permanent buildlngi-of the pan*ama-California Exposition at San Diego. These buildings are being restored and beautified by the Balboa paik Restoration Qsm,mittee, and will continue to be, as they have been for the last eight years, objects of interest and admiration for tourists and townspeople alike.
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The loeal end of the contract was handled by the Benton Roofing Company of San Diego, agents for the Weaver Roof Company, and the roofing will be applied by them.
The Weaver Roof Company also has the contract for a quarter million feet of rooffng for the building of the Cali- fornia Pageant of Progress and fndustrial Exp"osition which will be held in Los Angeles late in August and early in Sep- tember. The company will have an attractive einifit it the exposition.
The company's new plant at the corner of Slauson avenue and Iron street now is complete and the first unit is occupied and in operation. This unit is 800x60 feet and contains a battery of modern and efficient machines for turning out high grade roofing materials. Other units of the plant will be completed and placed in operation as fast as they are need.ed.
The plant as it stand.s is said to be one of the finest and most efficient in the United States.