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Railway Strike Curtails Production
Washington, July 20.-Wrile the lumber movement for the ,week ending July 15 was naturally larger than for the preceding week, u'ith its holiday, it is perhaps below the level that might be expected at this season of this active year, though July is usually a slow month in lumber, says the weekly lumber movernbnt bulletin of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association. OnIy 359 mills in eight great regional associ4tions are reported as operating, whereas the normal number so reporting is nearer 400. In the preceding week 373 mills were reported at work. Production for the past week was 216,084,971; shipments,2I9,O45,681 ; and orders, 184,562,897 feet; the increasB over the same week of last year being, respectively, 57,222,857, 68,629,419 and 52,208,724 feet.
'While the above figures show that production and shipSouthern Pinen Association
Total .---....-
Week (132 mills)
West Coast Lumbermen's Association
Total --.--.---
Week (123 mills)
Western Pine Manufacturers' Associatiorr
Total -..---...
Week (33 mills)
California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers
Total .----.-..
Week (4 mills)....-
California Redwood Association
Total .----,-.-
Week (12 mills)
North Carolina Pine Association
Week (33 mills).
Northern Hemlock and Hardwood Manufacturers
Week (13
Northern Pine
Manufacturers' Association for week
The Tujurga Lumber & Supply Company of Tujunga has made some substantial improvements to office and yard.. The office has been completely rebuilt and now provides additional accommodation for customers and prospective home builders. Provision has been made to handle an increased volume of lumber and building material.
'Work has been started on the new dock of the L. W. Blinn Lumber Company at San Pedro. It will be located on the East Basin and will adjoin the company's new yards on the tract leased a few months ago from the city of l-.ros Angeles. A complete and modern plant is provided for in the plans. Every facility will be offered for the convenient and expeditious unloading of vessels and storage of lumber. A large and modern office building will be erected.. A complete finishing mill will be among the numerous improvements.
ments are holding up relatively well for midsummer, there has been more of a marked deciine in orders. This is attributed to the timidity of buyers who find deliveries already affected by the railway strikes and are fearful of a virtual paralysis of lumber forward-ing by rail if the strikes should continue to extend. Actual production was 93 per cent, shipments 95 per cent, and orders 81 per cent of normal weekly production-for the mills of those associations that have established norrnal standards. Statecl relatively to the entire reported actual production for the week, shipments were 101 per cent and orders 85 per cent.
The following table summarizes the softwood Iumber movement by regional association and as a whole for the first 28 weeks of 7922, and last seperately, week as compared. with the same periods last year i
The L. W. Blinn Lumber company has sold its yard at El Centro to the J. E. Peck Lumber company. The new owners already have taken possession and will continue to operate the property along the same progressive lines that charaeterized the former management.
The Reid-Galleher Company, dealers in hardwood flooring at Long Beach, have taken over the business of the 'Wood Supply Company, dealers in .building specialties, and combined the two establishments with offices at 1143 'West Third street, Long Beach. The principals of the ffrm are James K. Reid and Burton S. Galleher. They have been in' business in Long Beach for about three years. In their new store they will handle sash, doors, hardwood fnish and flooring and other building specialties.