1 minute read
Don't Let Your Mailing List Become a Morgue---Keep It Alive
Keep your mailing liet up to date.
If you don't, it fiIls up with "dead oner" co fast that itc value and efficiency ir like a motor with a dead cylinder- it is greatlv reduced.
Of coure, the deder who doesn't keep and ure a mailing lbt, look! upon thir ar juct another one of the unnecesrary detailr that come with "new theorier."
Yet the country is liberally tenanted with retail lumber merchantr who think their mailing lirt ir juat a little bit more important than their stock of lumber, and who have proved to their OWN ratirfaction by continuour experience, that ruch ir the care.
To ruch men, the mailing lirt ir a magnificent weapon, and one that justifier any rearonable effort to ttkeep in rhape.t'
Jurt a rhort time ago wc heard a bright-eyed, keen-faced lumber deder, make a talk at a lumber convention on that very rubjectr-"lhe Lumber Dealer'r Mailing Lbtt'-and he declared what we have iurt said above; that the -"iliog lbt ir one of the very greateet asrete of the man who believee in "crcating bucinelr" by inteneive and intelligent cffort.
He diagnosed the ure of the mailing list in a moct intereeting way. For instancq at each of HIfi string of yardreight or nine of them-a particular eftort is made to ree that every nanr€ on the mailing lirt ir rpelled in the manner id which the prorpect PREFERS TO BE ADDRESSED. Thc man'r name may be J. H. Smith in the directory. But that man may call HIMSELF John Henry Smith; or John H. Smith; or J. Henry Smith; or Jack H. Smith; and if he DOES, he LIKES to cee hir name jurt exactly that way.
So this dealer makec it his burinecs and that of hir nan' agerr at each point, to dircover each m,antr favorite way of being addresed, and they put the name on the proopect lbt in thatway.
And he declared that they have proven to their o,wn Gotire gatilfaction that IT PAYS TO DO THAT. And since the TEST of all effort in a burinere way ir that of RETURNS on the invertrnent, whether it be inverhnent in money or in effort or both, then, so far ar THIS PARTICULAR Lt MBERMAN is concerned, there can be no doubt ar to thc .VALUE of the efrort they make with their mailing list.
People move in, moye out, clrange addreeseq €tc., lnd 6p nriling lirt rhould be changed accordinglyr to reve rtationery, rtarnpr, effort, etc.