5 minute read
Rondom lte;ms-Mill Run
The Wendling-Nathan Co., of San Francisco, have had letters lately asking them if they hacl dissolved their corporation, sinee the papers had. printed a report from Saeramento of the dissolution of charter of the "WendlingNathan Iiumber Company."
They answer "No" most positively.
The fact is that dissolution of charter has just been granted. to the "Wend.ling-Nathan Lumber Company," but that was the olct firm of which Geo. X. Wendling was the head, and which ceased business years ago when it was actively succeeded by the Wendling-Nathan Company, of which M. L. Euphrat and R,. E. Hitls are the orvners and operators. There were some property matters that the old corporation had to dispose of, and the olcl eorporation had remained. in existence until the recent dissolution.
The 'Wendling-Nathan Company is one of the biggest clistributors of lumber and shingles on the Pacific Coast. Messrs. Euphrat and Hills have made a remarkable suceess of the enterprise under the names of their former employers, and the business has grown to great proportion. Besides the two principals in the firm, they employ three men in their sales d.epartment in California. F. R. Lemon makes his home at Fresno and travels from Sacramento to Bakersfield; G. F. Bonnington covers the upper end of the Sacramento Valley, and much of the Coast tenitory; while the redoubtable A. L. ttGus" Hoover, of Los Angeles, covers Southern California.
Mr. Nathan, of the old firm, is dead, and Mr. Geo. X. Wendling, one of the best known pioneer lumbermen of California, is making a big success of his newest enterprise, the Pacific Wire Bound Box Company, manufacturing wire bound boxes at San Francisco. Mr. Wendling possesses all the vigor and personality that mad.e him an outstanding ffgure in Coast lumber affairs for a generation, and is still going strong.
E. M. Cochran, of San Francisco, who presides over the destinies of the sales department of the Union Ilumber Company, is most optimistic over the Redwood situation, believing it to be the strongest normally in the history of the trusiness.
The Union Lumber Company operate sone of the biggest mills in California at Fort Bragg, which produces annually 75,000,000 feet of Redwood lumber. They also are interested in and hand.le the output of two excellent Redwood mills, the Glen Blair Lumber Co., of Glen Blair, and the Mendocino Lumber Company, of Mendocino, giving them a total annual prod.uct of 115,000,000 feet of Redrvood.
Cargo lumber receipts at San Diego harbor for the month of June, the last full month for which figures are available, were ?.499,537 feet; in addition there were 170,190 feet of ties. Approximirtely 20,000 feet of lumber was exported jnto Mexico from San Diego in June.
W. S. Russell has joined the selling forces of the wholesale firm of Hill & Morton, 112 Market street, San Franciseo. Mr. Russell was a member of the Pacific Mill & Timber Company until the first of July, and was well known with that concern.
In addition to Mr. Russell, Hill & Morton have in their traveling department V. M. Long and Walt Manuel. These, with Mr. Russell, make them a very strong selling foree in the field, which is augmented. at times by the principals themselves.
Hill & Morton is a copartnership composed of L. S. Hill and H. S. Morton. The ffrm is just a year and. a half old, and is a most lust;' youngster.
Construction work is well under rvay on the Minarets & Western Railway, being built from Fresno to the Minarets country in Madera county to tap timber holdings of the Sugar Pine Lumber Company. The railroad. company is a subsidiary of the Sugar Pine Lumber Company. When eompleted the road will represent an investment of $2,000,000, it is said. It will open for early development a tract of more than 2,500,000,000 feet of high grade pine timber, whieh will be brought to the company's mill at Fresno for manufacture.
Arthur Heavenrich, of the Madera Sugar Pine Coinpany, lfatlera. is in the Lane llospital in San Francisco for treatrnent. lie has been ill for some time.
llhe Southern Pacific Company announced recently that it rvill rednee the rate on box lumber in carload lots from 9 cents to 7 eents between Westwood and Susanville, and from 6 cents to I cents between Bunnell and Susan'yille.
A selling change of much portance takes place August first in San Francisco.
Walter C. Ball resigns the position of Sales Manager for Chas. R. McOormick & Co., to accept the position of Sales Manager for the J. R,. Ilanify Company, a very enviable offer from John S. Reed, General Manager, having been accepted by him.

IIe is succeeded by J. Walter Kelly. Mr. Kelly has been assistant to Mr. Ball in the McCormick organization for nearly ten years, is thoroughly conversant with the big job he is tackling, and knows the trade as well as does Mr. BalI himself. He is a very young man for so important a position, but the manner in which he has conducted his affairs as assistant to Mr. Ball caused Mr. McCormick to place the responsibility upon his youthful shoulders without hesitation. ft was a very pretty honor, and. clearly shows the conffdence placed in him by his superior officers.
Walter C. Ball has been Sales Manager for the McCormick organization for ten years, and during that time has seen it grow from a small concern to one of the largest in the entire country. He is one of the most popular lumbermen in San Francisco, which is attested by the fact that he is now serving his second successive term as President of the Douglas Fir Club of that city. Changes in the J. R. Hanify Company created an unusual opportunity, which Mr. Reed tendered him. It-will be remembered that John R. Hanify was drowned just a few months ago, and John S. Reed, his private secretray, was made General Manager of his big lumber and shipping enterprise. Mr. E. de Reynier, who has been Sales Manager for the concern, has just resigned. that position, leaving the lumber business permanently, it is reported, so Mr. BaII was invited to assist Mr. Reed in handling this, one of the biggest and most active wholesale lumber operations on the Pacific Coast. They are among the biggest cargo shippers to California, operating their own purchasing ofrices in Portland. Mr. BalI is s plendidly equipped for his new position.
Tiie Transit Car
Every now and then we hear from some good friend who wants us to editorially lambast the transit car, and help knock it out of business. And when v'e look at the proposition from the standpoint, both of the retailer and the manufacturer, we imagine the dealer saying: f buy 'em.
Them transit cars are nasty things.
They give the market sudden swings.
I buy 'em.
They make my friend the mill man swear
And rave around, and tear his hair, And yet-while ntaybe it's unfairHE SELIJS 'AM.