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Fire lnsurance
We Offer: l. Sound INDEMMTY; a protection against loss which is as good aE can be secured from any company anywhere.
A policy gecured by caoh resourcea egual to 6ve times the average probable losEeg on all policies in force.
Allied with thc Northwestern Mutual Fire Aasociation are twenty-five strong Mutual companies with cagh resources of more than TWENTY-FOUR MILLION DOLI.ARS.
2. An Insurance SERVIC$ not infallible, but congcientious.
3. A SAVING to our Policyholdera, which, at thc present rate at which wG are tGturning dividends will amount to ONE MILLION DOLLARIi for the vear 1922. This means a eaving in insurance cost on your property of trorn 25/o to 40/o ot the premium.
The Northuestern IVuluaI Fire Assoclation and allied componies haue returned to their Poliqholders ouer FORTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS in diuidends and saaings
For Every Stock Size
Window cTh.re's a Hipolito Stock Size Wit dod Scteen
-.Q'rsf,i1sct!, builderrr contractorr-in fact every one who har anything to do with houre building, favor tf,e ure of HiPo' lito Stock Size Scrccnr lt loon ar tbey know anything about them.
-Made from tbe beltmaterialr rmder the mort rigid ePecifica' tionr. We vill rtakc our rePutation on the rtatcneot that they are tte bert tcnsenr on the market.
Make your Inrurance Prernium Pay Dividendr.
Southern Cdifornia l)epartnrent, 825 Centnl Bldg, - Lor Angeler
Ceohd California Departmcnt, Sbeldon Bldg.' - San Francirco
Arizona Dcpartraentt
ONeil 8ts9., Phocnix
Write for our SPecial Plan far Lumber Dealers
Hipolito Screen 31f, Co. 2lrt, Alaneda, and 22nd Str. Phone South 4260