1 minute read
Here is the Story of Cameron's Great Store at Ft. Worth, Tex.
We are frequently asked about the famous lumber store of 'Wm. Cameron & Company, at Fort Worth, Texas, one of the most widely advertised places of business of a mercantile character in America.
We will try and give the brief facts concerning this remarkah.lr: institution. 'Wm. Cameron & Company has its headquarters at Waco, Texas. William Cameron is the President and head of the institution, and E. P. Hunter is General Manager and merchd,ndising genius. He is a Texas product and has been in the lumber business since infancy. He is just 39 years old.
Wm. Cameron & Company turned over to him to manage 60 lumber yards. He soon converted one or two of them into more modern places of business, by putting in store fronts, display and plan rooms, and by advertising and, going out after business in a most strenuous way. The short of ttre story is that wherever they tried this they found worrderlul improvement in their business. They proved by ttre d.rllar sign that the increased investment and increased activity brought in the orders.
Their first efforts were with small town yards. They paid. They paid BIG. They made big trees grow, as it were.
where only blades of grass grew before.
So they tried a big town, Fort Worth. They put in a modern plant with sales and plan room, big display wiudows, etc., in North Fort 'Worth. It went so good. that they went down town and. put in a million dollar store in the heart of the business district. Ilere are some pictures of it.
'We won't even attempt much description. It is a stecl and concrete building. The "store" and offices occupy two sides, while the center contains building material. The.y have some of everything here, while the actual bulk storage is done in several yards on the edge of town. This store corries in stock four million feet of lumber, a million feet of wall board, and paint, wall paper, builcling paper, patcut roofing and shingles, wood.en shingles, etc., in equal bulk.
One of these illustrations shows the offices and salcs roolns. The plan and service rooms are the enclosed roorus seen in the right hand background of this picture. Another picture shov/s the inside of the raw material department, three stories high. Another shows the paint and wall paper and hard.ware d.epartment.
Notice the exterior of this store. The string of displny (Contlnued oa Wge 39)