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Ilcorlorrtrd urd.f tlc hn of fr|x nh

J. C. IXoarc, Pm. ead Trur.; Pbl B. H.rt, Vlc-Pro.t J. E. llrr{q Srcy. Prblbh.d iL. lrt lld f5tt oa xA Eonth rt

I!-t CENTRAL BUIIDING LOS ANGELES. CAI- TFrEPHONE YAldlL. g Ert.r.d u Srond-clr[ Ertt f S.Dt rbt 4 E4 rt tht PortCicr rt Lor Aryolor, Cr|iforate, rild.f Act ol Mrrcl t, frt

Subrcriplion Pricc, 92.e0 pci Yrr

Sia3lo Copicr, 25 ccntr crch.


How Lumber Looks

Perhapr it would be foolich to talk of ponible advanced pricer, here in the middle of rurnrner, with a majority of the craft on vecationr, fiching, camping, e*imming, etc., but it ir a fact that in the past two weekr orderr have been placed at better lists, right down the line and there is a decidedly better feeling among tfie Eade, both wholerale end retail.

An authority raid the otrher day that tte increared rail volume, into the middle welt, wal bound to have itr efiect on the California market, erpecially conddering the prices that the dealerr in tfie rail territorio are paying. The mills have a very different attitude toward ofierr from California, their order bookr are thicker than they were eixgr days ago and the trade .in ttir rtate ir going to be paying better pricer for their goodr, in a very rhort time, andr.incidentally, migbt perhapr begin charging better pricer, to the contumer.

The receipb at San Pedro for the month of July will be conriderably lower than for Jrme, when over one hundred and forty million feet war unloaded. To tte night of the 3Oth, a little under I3O,OOO,(X)O had been reported and the lart day of the month promired rmall, from tte reports.Ar ctated in the lart irrue, the docks are not overloaded.

Our correrpondent in San Francirco reporte ar follows, for the Bay Di*rictf

The market in Northern California har a much better tone to it than two weeks ago. Retail rtockr continue low;

Fires Cause Of Heavy Losses

Forest fires, according to figures given out by the forest service swept over 29.000,000 acres of public and privately owned land last year, causing a rhonetary loss of $38,00,- 000. The number of fires, many of them preventable, was fixed at 92,000.

William E. Greely, chief of the forest service, feels that public opinion is the greatest weapon which can be used again.st this enormous annual destruction of wealth, and welcomes any agency that may be used in arvakening sentiment among the people that may result in greater precaution, and a lessening of unnecessary hazards.

Building New Mill

The Bray remanufacturing plant at Brayville has been prepared for the installing ofits new machinery. George Stafford, noted mill builder. is in charge of the work, which rvhen completed, will place the Bray mill among the finest of its size in the state.

there ic very little unrold lrunber coming into San Francirco; rancheru and farmcrc are getting good pricee for their cf,opr; and the lumber trade ir looking for a more active market and good fall busineu

DOUGLAS FIR: The volume of cargo burinere continues good. The reil burineu ir more active and reveral large concertrs report that their July bruiners rhowt a geod increase over their raler during June. Severd lumbermcn who have made recent rurveyr of conditionr at the milb in tbe Northeagt rtate f:hat the millr report a lerger volurne of bueinecs from the Eart and Middle W€!t.

REDWOOD: Redwood operatorr report rhat burines ir looking better. Ac one large operator rtated, "bared on actud ralel buriners ir looking bctter all along the line."

CALIFORNLA. WHTTE AND SUGAR PINE: The marka har rhown a little pick-up in price during the part two wecLr. The dernand continuer about the same, aod the larger millr are all nrnning to cepacity.

Reportr from the Fir mills, through ttre Weet Coart Lum' bernen'r Auociation, gite some interesting fi$r€.. Thcy rhow t'he part week'e production ar jurt alittle ovcr one hundred million feet and their raler totaled withh r bdf miL lion feet of the rame emormt. They ehipped llor(Xlor(Xx) in the rame period. Lecc than half of thic new burines b for water delivery. They have unfilled rail orderr for 5r1(X) cars, a larger number than the report har thown for a long time.

Activity At Diamond Springs

At Diamond Springs, Eldorado county, full crews in the big electric mill and logging camps are working for a record season's output.

Three logging trains are hauling logs from the Caldor logging camps over the reconstructed Diamond Caldor Raihvay, and the electrically operated box factory of the California Door Company is working overtime.

Business For Sale

It is not often that the opportunity presents itself to buy a business established over ten years in a city that is growing as fast as Seattle. But as other interests demand all our time, we are going to dispose of our lumber business. No real estate, buildings, accounts .or "blue sky." Will give a long lease on land and buildings. $20,000 to $25,000 necessary to handle. Address Box 4-60, care Lumber Merchant.

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