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Los Angeles & c0.
San Francisco
Everything In Hardwoods
Our battery of modern kilnsr-operated under the direction of an experienced kiln engtneer, aaEures our trade of a complete stock of correctly seasoned hardwoo& to meet the climatic conditions of Southern C,alifornia"
June Building Totals Half Billion
Half a billion dollars of buildings under construction throughout the country is the record-breaking figure set by June, 1925, according to compilations made by the Associated General Contractors of America.
. The June total exceeded the record set in May last.
A nationwide survey has led experts to the conclusion that a great portion of the record-breaking activity is due to the construction of residences.
The association predicts that the volume of construction will remain at or near its present high mark during the seasonal peak period, covering the next three or four months.
The actual volume of building in June, indicated by shipments of construction materials, was more than twice that for the same month in 1913.
The combined construction activity for the first six months of.1925 exceeds the 1924 period by 13 per cent.
Arson Gang Tries To Burnlumber Yard
Firebugs were sought by detectives, while a squad of police patroled the Nelson Lumber Co. yard at TwentyFourth and Third Streets, San Francisco, following a recent attempt to destroy the lumber yard by setting fire to a lumber truck. In an effort to frustrate efforts to summon the fire department, the telephone wires in the office of the plant were cut, according to the police. G. H. Nelson reported to police thattwo men phoned to him threats to burn the plant.
D. R. Else, Bay District representative of Sudden-Christension, is on a two weeks' vacation, which he is spending at Yosemite. He expects to do considerable hiking on the trip and visit all the-scenic wonders of the Park. He will be back on the job around the first of the month.
Dick Hammatt At Donner Lake
Dick Hammatt, well known Secretary-Manager of the California Redwood Association, is spending his annual summer vacation at Donner I-ake. He is accompanied by his wife and daughters on the trip. He expects to return to his desk about August 1.
Richard Jones, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from a business trip to Placer County where he was calling on the White and Sugar Pine mills in that District. He states that the mills are working to capacity and that the demand continues good.