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Here and There With The Red River Lumber Co.

The development and use of laminated wood is reaching all lines of lumber consumption since the construction of aircraft has demonstrated its advantages and brought out new glue formulas that make a joint stronger than the wood itself and that will rvithstand the severe conditions under which airplanes operate. Manufacturers of sash ancl doors are utilizing built-up lumber to give greater str€ngth, reduce warping and for greater economy.

The examples illustrated are door stiles made by the Red River Lumber Company in their new veneer factory at Westu'ood. Calif.. for use in their orvn sash and door factory and also for sale to the trade.

Beautiful panelled interiors in moderate pricecl homes and in stores and office buildings are now possible with a great saving in material and labor. Here is a California Pine panel rvith a one-piece face 60x120 inches as produced by the Red River Lumber Company. J. H; Rickard, manager of the Los Angeles office and warehouse at 7A2 East Slauson avenue, is showing some very handsome examples of these panels finishec[ in mahoganv, walnut and ofher stains. The grain has a soft, delicate beauty and a great variety of patterns. Rotary cuttinS brings out unexpected beauties in the California pines without sacrificing the qualities for lvhich these woods are noted-their non-checking property and their ability to take paints, stains and enamels with economy and fine lasting quality.

- Westwood, Lassen county, up in the High Sierras, enj-oys !h.is moder! l,lOGseat theaier, recently-opened by the Red River Lumber Company. Picture prograhs of excep- tional quality are shown every night and six afternoons a rveek. A fine Wurlitzer Hope-Jones organ, presided over by an expert organist, is also featured. A complete air: washing and filtering installation tempers all ventilating air, reducing the summer temperature some thirty degrees below that ontside. Panelled walls in lobbv. fover and auditorium are finished in walnut, oak, gray. -rlfhe latest type of lightiirg and fects are us'ed. Mothers with crying show from a comfortable, sound-proof enamel and French stage electrical efz babies can see the room walled with plate glass. The building was designed and is managed by "Bill" Laughead, who rvrites and illustrates the "Paul Bunyan" stories and other adr-ertising of the Red River people.

Mt. I-assen, the only volcano in the United States rvhich has shown recent activity, is shorvn here in a peaceful mood, as vierved from Lee's Camp Lassen, National Volcanic Park. The pl-rotograph, contributed by the Red River Lumber Company, was made in June of this year by Mr. J. H. Eastman.

Logs of California White Pine are shown here on the deck of the veneer factory of the Red River Lumber Co. at Westwood, Calif. From this point the logs go to the steam vats where they remain for from 40 to 60 hours and then are peeled and taken to the lathe. Rotary cutting on the lathe takes off a smooth cut one-eighth to one-tweniieth of an inch thick, as required. This comes off in a continuous strip like unwinding a roll ofpaper. Logs like these are particularly rvell adapted to veneer manufacture.

Finland To Market Lumber In United States

Finland, now the most heavily forested of European countries. has aroused much attention from American lumber manufacturers by creating an organization in its lumber trade for marketing in the United States.The National Lumber Manufacturers Association, one of the Ameriqan groups most concerrred, has received advices that the Finnish saw mill owners have put in charge of their enterprise John Saari, formerly a lumber manufacturer of Port-

'land, Oregon, and are attempting to establish a permanent foothold in this countrv.

Harry Carter Returns From Goldlake

Harry Carter, sales representative of the Van ArsdaleHarris Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from a two weeks'vacation spent at Gold Lake. We haven't heard of Harry bringing back any remarkable "fish stories" but he reports he had a fine time roughing it in the mountains. Mrs. Carter accompanied him on the trip.

more than trventy years and during all of that time has had closely associated with him his partner in allof his business ventures and the vice-president of the company, Sidney M. Hauptman, who in his quiet and efficient way is iuitlv entitlel to share withMr' McCormick in the honors du. [h. men who have developed a business rvhich has had such an exceptionally steady and at the same. time rapid climb toward- the toi place in the history of the industry of selling and shipping, manufacturing and distribrrting Pacific Coast forest Products.

Chas. R. McCormick was born in Michigan and as a vouns man entered into the lumber business, where he orLanir".a an inspection bureau for the inspection of white iin.. He first went to San Francisco in 1901 and entered ih" emplov of the Hammond Lumber Company. In 1903 he and Mr. Hauptman entered the commission lumber busi-


Ertabliched 1885


'Tcam Work with the Rctail Lumbcr Deelcr"

Qualtti Cotim0ns And Clears


Lor Angclcr Oficc t28 l. N. Vu Nuyr Bldg.

TeL MEtro. O845

Northcra Officc Sen Francirco Offico Abcrdccn, 261) Californie St. \f,ferh.

Tel. Kearney 111O

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