3 minute read


of Celifornir

Manufacturen of Doughr Fir end Port Otf"d C.edar.

Sarnnillr, Marchfield, Oregon

Distributing Plant Bay Poinl

Annual Production

2(X),0(X),(XX) Fect

GENERAL OFFICES :'J!3 ??'j::i.j"'"

Loe Angeler Ofice, r! ccatrrl Blds.

Why Sell Redwood?


Twenty Varieties of Hardwood

Oak & Mapt" ti""ring-Panels

n NE of our good dealer friends in a recent letter jokingly V remarked that from his standpoint one of Redwood's big disadvantages is its permanence-its great durability makes replacements unnecessary. Nothing short of a cyclone will destroy Redwood. Fungus does not rot it and worms and insects leave it alone. It is a slow burner. Thoroughly painted, it looks well a long time. Even unpainted, it still rcsists decay. A Redwood house needs little repairing. But this dealer keeps right on ordering Redwood. He finds that telling these sad facts about Redwood to his customers does not drive them away.

Sometimes he even ventures to remark that according to the U. S. Government Report entitled "Physical, Mcchonical and Chemical Properties of Redtlood" there isn't any other wood, either soft or hard, that averages as high on durabilit!, lach of shrinkage, strenglh as a beam or post, ease of glueing, uorhabilit! and ability to "stay put."

' And After That-

"Hory long yo' allin jail fo', Mose?"

ttTwo weeks.t'

"What am de charge?"

"No charge at all--eve'ything's free."

"Ah mean, what has yo' all did?"

"Shot Mah wife."

"Yo' all killed yore wife ah' only in jail fo' two weeks?"

"Uh Huh. After that Ah gets hung."

Use It

A 2x4 with several more is lying in a stack. You wonder when you'll see the yen it cost you coming back. It never will, believe me, Bill, till after you are dead unless that stuff is treated rough and built into a shed. It is no Bood; it's only "wood" with which your yard is filled; it isn't worth a cent on earth until it's used to build. It doesn't pay for you to say bad words or to abuse it; a lot of tin it wiU bring in if you will rightly use it.

Your Job Your Best F-riend

A man's job is his best friend.

It clothes and feeds his wife and children, pays the rent, and supplies them with the wherewithal to develop and become cultivated. The least a man can do in return is to love his job. A man's job is grateful. It is like a little garden that thrives on love. It $'ill one day fower into fruit worth while, for him and his to enjoy. If you will ask any successful man the reason for his making good, he will tell you that first and foremost it is because he likes his work; indeed he loves it. His whole heart qnd soul are wrapped up in it. His whole physical and mental energies are focused on it. He walks his work, he talks his work, he is entirely inseparable from his work, and that is the way every man worth his salt ought to be if he wants to make of his work what it should be and make himself what he wants to be.-(Senator Arthur Capper.)

You've got to have more than just a make your business program a success.

loud speaker to

She Kept The Secret

Mr. Pewe+"Why did you buy these shirts four sizes too big for me?"

Mrs. Pewee-"They cost the same as your right size and I didn't want the clerk to know that I married such a little shrir{p as you are."

And He Still Thought So

This country's going straight to heck, My granddad told me so. The old gent ought to know.

I asked him why he was so sure; He said long years and years agoHis granddad told him so.

-American Legion Weekly.

That Explains It

Barnum said there was "A sucker born every minute." That explains why the second hand auto market never seems to reach the point of saturation.

A large percbntage of the people you always see running around in a terrible hurry don't even know where they are going.

New Sales Helps For Oak Floorittg

One of the mogt attractively illustrated bookletc on oak fooring is now ready for distribution among prospective home-briildere.

It tells the whole story of Perfection Brand Oak Flooring. You will 6nd it of immense help in making eales.

We also have sor;e very successful envelope stuffers for general distribution that we are supplying free.

Write today for thege selling helps and full information about Perfection Brand Oak Flooring'

Douglas lFin cwith theLong.Bell Trade,Mark

Long-Bell manufacturing plante at Longview, lVashington, are producing Douglas Fir lumber and timbers of the utmost dependability. Established Long Bell msnufacturing standards are being followed in Douglas Fir production. The Long.Bell trademark on the end of the oiece is not only a mark of identiftcation but signiies maximum building velua

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