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Selling FAITH to Young Men and then LUMBER
California White Pine Doors
Cdifornia Vhite Pine timber ftom the Mt. Shssta district furnishes the attractive, dunble lumber that makes Long-Bell doors so economical and desitable. They cost less to moftise, f,t end heng.
Beautiful OakFlooring
Oak flooring is popular becauee of its lasting besuty and performsnce economy. LongBell trademarkcd Oak Flooring is carefully manufectured to reduce cost of laying end fnishing. Write for furthet information.
1l A young man ke know, reJL cently married, started on the wayto home ownership with fifty dollars. He and his wife had faith and courage when the first deposit was made in a savings account. They had found from experience that money could not be saved without a definite plan. They began putting away fifty dollars each month fi,rst, beforc anything else was spent-and how surprisingly quick that sum grew into hundreds! It was not a great while beforetheneat sum in the savings account was suficient for a fi.rst paymentbn a home. They succeeded, as many others have done.
G) It doestake faithandcourage
A to keep everlastingly at this task of saving for a home. Hosts ofyoung people have the desire, but not quite the courage to start or the faith to persist. The sum they could put away each month looks so pitifully small and the final goal so large!
V Yet there are the commun q) ity'r best prospective build. ers, thepotential buyers of a volume of building material. They have the desire-they lack the starting impulse.
Sell them on courage and faith! Give them the impulse to statt. Make them see clearly the possibility of their dreams, the hope of success, the futility of putting off.
,f In such promotion of home al owning and homebuilding as this, the retail lumber dealer not only may build for his own future, but also have the reward of lasting appreciation.