1 minute read
PAUL BUNYAN'S California Pine Veneers
-fHE wide range of adaptability and economy of this ply-wood is opening up I t ew fields to veneers. California Pine closely resembles the White Pine of the Lake States except that the trees are much larger. Rotary cutting brings otrt a variety and beauty of grain patterns hitherto unknown in soft pines. At the same time all-the-s9-f^tnes_s, smoothnu""-.nd fi--ne working qualities peculiar to this kind of pine is retained. PAUL BUNYAN'S California Pine Veneers have manv advantages-
Il-"* *1"i:rfll':lr",,u Smooth 6nish \,vith very little sanding.
For everything from fruit baskets and odorless dairy containers up to magnifi_cent panelled-interiors. For inexpensive office and house partitions, qui_ckly installed. For door panels and mill work. For drawer bottoms,trunks and furniture bachs.
Inf ormat io n, S atn ples, Prices Gladly sent you upon request.
We have in our San Francisco yardc 3r(XX)r(XX) feet of 5-8 in to 164 in. No. 1 Common and F. A- S.Baraan-Red Philippine-White Philippine Lamao.