3 minute read
Great Redwood Educational Contest!
Want Facts on Redwood Usefulness ! Prizes for Salesmen and Dealers!
No lumber otganization in the country today is surpassing the California Redwood Manufacturers Association in timely, intelligent, and useful ideas for boosting their particular product.
This is being manifested and demonstrated in many ways. .It may be truly said that the Redwood manufacturers have finally gotten behind their wonderful wood in concerted fashion, and it will doubtless mean much to Redwood.
The latest educational pubticity feature that the Associaiion is trying, is a contest staged for the purpose of digging up, assorting, and distributing ideas of practical character on the uses, merchandising, and building qualifications of Redwood, through Redwood salesmen, and lumber dealers who handle Redwood.
The idea is to pay cash prizes to the Redwood salesmen nrho turn in the most and best thoughts, plans, ideas, and suggestions on the use of Redwood; and to the retailers of lumber who furnish Redwood salesmen with the best experibnces on selling Redwood.
Is'nt that a dandy camPaign?
It should be the means of bringing into the Association hundreds of useful ideas for Redwood selling and consumption that they can mete out to the trade in such form as will help all Redwood sellers to sell more Redwood, and help more consumers to consume more Redwood.
And that, of course, is the idea of the campaign.
The Redwood Association has appointed a strong and enthusiastic committee to handle this contest, which begins at once, and terminates November 15' 1925.
Here is the first announcement of the contest, exactly as it was mailed to the full list of Redwood salesmen turned in by the Association members.
Retailers who have valuable ideas for the use of Redwood should talk them over with their Redwood salesmen. There may be cash in it:
A Prize Contest for Redwood Facts and Figures Object
This contest is authorized for the purpose of making available to customers additional facts, figures and instances about California Redwood and its advantages and usos.
There is a wealth of good Redwood facts in California and elsewhere. Redwood was one of the first woods used in California; in fact the wood and its distinctive merits have been intirnately connected with the history, growth and progress of the State.
WierEver Redwood has been properly used, it has created a host of friends and examples of good service. It is to discover and get acquainted with these friends and examples of Redwood that this contest is started.
Facts and Figures
Redwood facts and figures, in this contest, include anythine that can assist customers to increase their redwood business.
There is a gold mine of Redwood facts, figures and instances around us. Let's get them together. Let's index and cross-index them in convenient form, so that our customers in the retail trade can use them to advantage.
The Contest
This contest is to extend from July lst to November 15, 1925. Anyone working for or representing a Redwood mill is eligible. In addition, three special prizes are for RETAILERS furnishing (to REDWOOD SALESMEN) the three best examples of facts and figures.
Working Rules
1. Turn in reports when you get them. Priority will determine who is to be credited if there is duplication 9f specific instances or examples. However, if one report duplicates another but enlarges or lives additional valuable information, it will receive credit.
2. Turn in reports to the California Redwood Association, 24 Califorhia Street, San Francisco, Cal.
3. Type reports on regular letter-size '($lxIl inch) paper,<ne side only. The judges will only consider ty1rcwritten reports.
+. Type your name, date and the name of the company you represent on the reverse side of each page, so that the report may be read without its identification being first evident.
5. Make each example into a separate report, even though it may contain several good selling points.
6. If you accompany reports by photographs, properly identify them and have them on glossy paper, whenever possible.
To Redwood Salesmen
You can get help from anyone. We would like to see all retailers, particularly, cooperate by furnishing material to you and we have provided special prizes for retailers only. Do not get help from other Redwood mill employees or representatives, since they should turn in their own reports.
Your reports will be judged by both their quantity and quality. An indication of how the quality of work will probably be judged is as follows:
If you get a retailer or .anyone who uses and prefers Redwood to write a letter or sign a letter specifying where he qses Redwood and why he prefers it, you will increase the value of your report. In other words, good Redwood facts are of more value if they come from unprejudiced parties. Try to keep from giving your own opinions. Get the other fellow's opinion. Act as a reporter.
But if you have some valuable information yourself, back it up with concrete facts as detailed as possible. Pictures in any case would be abig help in improving the quality of work. Try always to be as specific as possible. Get your facts correctly. If you mention persons, give their correct initials, addresses and business connections.
Some of the results we hope to get from this contest are as follows:
(Continued on Page" 34)