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Luncheon for Dwight Hinckley
Over twenty San Francisco lumbermen were the guests of Fred Palmer. the well-known California White and Sugar Pine wholesaler, at a luhcheon given at the Commercial Club on Friday, Jaly 24, in honor of Dwight Hinckley, president of the National American Wholesale Lumber Association, who was a San Francisco visitor on July 23 and 24.
After the luncheon, Mr. Palmer introduced Mr. Hinckley, who gave an interesting talk on the accomplishments and service rendered the members by their associations, and what the association was trying to do. He referred to the several services given their members through their collection, credit, traffic and arbitration departments. In speaking of the arbitration department, which he stated is one of the principal thittgs that the association has in immediate cash draw value. he said that thev had done something for the whole lumber industry in improving merchandise methods. Mr. Hinckley stated that the membership of the association is not confined to the wholesalers alone, as they have many manufacturers among their members, and that the manufacturers are well pleased with the work and service rehdered by the association.
Ele said that the membership of the National American Wholesale Lumber Association is now over 800 and that their membership requirements are strict. During the last year he said that the wholesale lumbermen in the country handled over 20,000,000,000 feet of lumber, which was.over half cf the lumber produced in the country during that pe- riod. and where so much lumber was involved it was essential that their association be efficient. In closing, he stated that the association was so organized that it was able to do something whenever the emergency arose, atrd he cited such several instances where they were able to render valuable service to the lumber indirstrv of the countrv.
This is Mr.'Hinckley's fourth trif to the Pacific'Coast in the interests of the National American Wholesale Lumber Association. He has just completed a trip through the Northwest, and after a few days in Los Angeles, he left for the East. In addition io being president of the association, Mr. Hinckley is actively engaged in the lumber business in Cincinnati, where he conducts a large wholesale business.
At the conclusion of the meeting, a vote of thanks was extehded to Fred Palmer for the excellent luncheon. i
Those rvho attended the luncheon were: I
_Otis Johnson, Union .Lumber Co.; James Tyson, Chas. Nelson 9o.; U. P. Plummer, Union Lumber Co.; M.-A. Murphy, F. S. Muqphy Lumber Co.i F. S. Murphy, F. S. Murphy Lumber Co.t A. T. McKenzie, Chas. Nelson Co.; F. B. Macomber, F. B. Mar comber & Son; C. R. Wisdom, Cal. Pine Box Distributors, Inc.l
Hu1t9r Savage, Sivers Savage Lumber Co.; Fred Palmer, Fiederi& S. Palmer Lumber Co.; C. C. Stibichr Frederic S. Palmer Lumbei Co.; Leon Walker, Red River Lumber Co.; F. B. Macomber, Jr.i
F. B. Macomber & Son; R, A. Hiscox, Western States Luinbei Co.; C. L. Smith, American Lumberman; Dwight Hinckley. Cinl cinnati;_H. W. Sinnock, Redwood Sales Co.; R. F. Pray, I-irmUeri men's Exchange; M. L. Euphrat, Wendling-Nathan Lumber Co.l Ward Dwight, Dwight Lumber Co.; Frank Paramino, Paramind Lumber Co.; J. E. Martin,'"California Lumber Merchant."
Excellent ltalian Architecture
Thir houre won an honor award for exceptional architecturd mcrit, from tte Southern CaIifornia Chapter, Arnerican lirtitute of Arshitectr lt war reported the owner dircharged the architectr, tr, iIr the fint place rhe did not like tbe house.
Here tte deai$ren have.gpt cornpletely away frq4q lhe prec. ent maniq the ro-celled Sp"n- bh. Only an unbroken wdl and an antiqued heavy door are prerented to the du.ty rtreet
With the foothilts ar a beck. ground thir attrac{ive house with its simple lines and roof certainly neritr ib Honor Award.
The lumber on thir job war furnished by E K. Wood hmber Company of "Goodr of the Woodr" farne.