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HAMMOND'S Sp"cial Service to Lumber Merchants
ON'T pass up big orders because youtre short on stock. Remember Harnmondts special Sen'ice to Lumber Merchants. You can draw all the building materials you need from the vast reserye stocks of the Hammond Lumber Company.
Then you can make use of the complete facilities of Harnmond's big special mill work department. Take advantage of these features of Hammond Service.
(Continued from Page 30)
A. To make the Association more of a clearing house for better merchandising ideas;
B. To organize these ideas (or good Redwood facts and figures) so that they can be readily available;
C. To use the best of them for a Salesman's Hand Book, thereby giving the benefit of the united experience of everyone working on this camPaign;
D. To give this information to retailers who want to use it in reselling their Redwood stocks;
E. To have this information for the builder, contractor, architect and ultimate buyer so as to more effectively answer his questions as to why he should want Redwood.
F. To stimulate an interest throughout the lumber trade in better merchandising ideas.
From time to time, the results of the contest will be buletined out so that you can tell just where you stand.
Good Opportunity For Young Man
The "California Lumber Merchant" knows of an opening that ofiers a very good opportunity to _some g-ood young man, to make a start with a wonderful 6rganization, with opportunities to make his mark the opening is at Santa Barbara, with an old established- concirn, known for their fair dealings with employees, and for paying good_ salaries. itrey want a man in hiJ twenties, married or single, steady, good habits, able to operate a typewriter,- assist tle -bookkeeper, do general counter work, in fact, an all-round office man.
They offer about $150.00 to start.
Sania Barbara is one of the garden spots of the state, we repeat that this is a splendid chance, and inquiries to our Los Angeles office will receive prompt attention.