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The Perfect House Insulation

Suitable sound-insulation for income property cannot be too greatly stresged. It has been aptly said "Altho it is not possible to SEE through the walls of the average apartment, the privacy afforded stops therel"

BAISAM-WOOL insulated apartment walls refte the purpore for which they were originally int€oded! E.ch ottit of the BALSiAM-WOOL insulated building ie as efiectively set apart from neighboring noises as if locatcd blocks away.

Specify BALSAM-WOOL ae an inveetrnent toward Bigjer Rentals-Satisfied Tenants and Steady Income.

"'The Wooil Insulation Worth lts Weight in WooI"

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First prize

Here Are the Prizes


Second Pfize . 50.00

Third Prize . 25.00

Four Prizes of . 10.00 each

And in addition:

$15.00 for the best informatiqn coming from the mills.

$15.00 for the best information coming from any place outside of California.


$75.00 to the Retail Lumber dealer giving you the best selling information.

$25.00 to the Retail Lumber dealer giving you the 2nd best selling information

$10.00 to the Retail Lumber dealer giving you the 3rd best selling information.

GO TO IT!! We wish you luck!

Shows Wage Comparisons

Spokane, Wash., July 16.-Claire Bowman, director of the state department of labor and statistics, reports that the average wage rate in Washington, 300 days a year in 1924, rvap $4.99. The logging industry employed D,691 workers at an average wage of $5.11. Sawmills, employing 34,8D men, paid an average of $4.59 a day, while paper and pulp mills rvorkers averaged $4.58 a day. Building construction workers received $6.13 a day. Coal miners were paid the highest wage, $6.!)6 a day. The lowest was $3.88 paid to employes of laundries, broom and textile plants.

Triple-Sheath doee keep out moi.s' ture when used under Exterior Finieh., For use under Stucco, Brick Veneer, Clapboards or Shingle.

Triple-Sheath Building Paper is absolutely waterproof. A better sheet ofbuilding paper cannot be put between the foors or in the walls of a building. Disinterested teste prove. beyond question the buperiority of Triple-Sheath.

Result of teste made by ARTHUR D. LITTLE, INC., PAPER CHEMISTS.ENGINEERS Cambridge, Maasachueette

The above water rcristancc tcst! wcre madc by thc Ground Glaaa mcthod, reccntly devired by the United Stateg Bureau of Standardr; Thc buriting etrengthc wore determined on thc Mullen Tcster. The Triplc.Sheath aamplee,used ehowed no aigns of penetration at the end of 24 houra. The compctitivc ramplea'thowcd averagc complcte penetration in from 12 to 20 minutca'

The secret of the superiority of Triple-sheath is in the high quality of the sized Kraft paper used, combined with theinner layer of waterproof asphalt.

The pure Kraft paper itself, from.which Triple-Sheath is made, without the addition of the asphalt layer, is capable of resistance towater and moisture for a long period. This is,due to the high quality of the materials used in its manufacture and to the sizing applied.

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