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Have You a copy of our ne$r Catalo g?

Every lumber dealer and tmost everyone in the buitdng industry ghould have the new Hipolito CEt& log for reference.

It rhowr our diffenent deaigns in stock scnaen doorr and window rcreens, dl from actual photographic reproducdona

If you have not neceived your copy please write for it today. Hipolito Scrcen Doors and Window Screenr are tilre choice of dealerc, contractors, and builderc for their superior quality and low price.

Hipolit O Co Mpany

Manufecturcn of thc famou: Hipolito StocL Size Window Scrccnr end Scrccn Doorr

2lrt and Alameda Str. - Loc Angelel CaL Phonc Humbolt 3695


A. J. Russell, manager of the Santa Fe Lumber Co. and prominent member of the Bohemian Club, is at the Bohemian Grove to attend the Annual Bohemian Club Jinx. The Bohemian play will be staged this year on Salurday evening, August 1. Mr. Russell will be back at his desk the first week in August.

Ben Oslind Looks Over California Market

Ben Oslind, Coos Veneer & Box Co., Marshfield, Oregon, was a recent California visitor where he spent a few days looking over market conditions in the Los Angeles and San Francisco Districts. The Coos Veneer & Box Co. are manufacturers of the well known Port Orford Cedar Panels, with the H. B. Maris Panel Co. of San Francisco, and the California Panel & Veneer Co. of Los Angeles, acting as their California representatives.

Lloyd Harris Returns From Vacation

Lloyd Harris, representative of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., is back on the job again after spending two weeks camping and fishing in the Redwood Region. He divided his time between Humboldt and Trinity Counties, where he said the fishing was very fine. He also spent a few days camping out in the Giant Redwoods at Richardson Grove.


S. L. Sayre, Secretary and Treasurer of the Sterling Lumber Co., with headquarters in San Francisco, is on his summer vacation that will cover a period of three weeks. He expects to return to his desk around the first of the month.



Earl Carlson, San Joaquin Valley representative of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., is spending a two weeks' vacation in Shasta and Trinity Counties where he will try his luck at fishing. Earl will be back on the job again with a good line of new fish stories about the first of the month. Mrs. Carlson and their two boys accompanied him.

Big Timber Deal

Montesano, Wash.,, July 21.-One of the largest timber deals in the history of Grays Harbor logging operations was consummated here when the land, timber and equipment of the Wynooche Timber company and the Lamb Boom company were taken over by Schafer Brothers, Inc. The consideration was said to be nearly $4,000,000.

A new timber company was formed to be known as the Schafer Brothers' Timber company. Peter Schafer, pioneer lumberman of Southwestern Washington, will be president of the new firm.

Forest Lumber Company Buys Klamath Falls Property

The Forest Lumber Company of Kansas City have recently acquired from L. B. Menefee, Portland, approximately 500,000,000 feet of Pine timber and the millsite of the Modoc Lumber Company in Klamath County, Oregon. The consideration was close to $1,000,000. It is the intention of the Forest Lumber Company to erect a modern mill on this property immediately.

Orders Kilns

The Robert Morton Organ Company of Berkeley, Calif., has just given an order to the Moore Dry Kiln Company for two Moore charge kilns to be installed at their plaht at Van Nuys, Calif. The Dry Kiln Construction Company of Los Angeles was awarded the contract for the kiln building.

The accuntc coiltruCtlon of Andcrcn Frane alao appcals to thc archi. tet, ss he knows his clicnt will have a snug: 6ttlng. ycai[61 1ig[g window. The Genuine White Pine uscd on all cxposed parts keeps thi! accutacy pemnent.

'Writc for latest lnforDrtioo on An d e r se n Standard Framcr, rtating wnetner you arc an architcct, buildcr. dcelcr or prorpective homc wnct.

Look for thk trede- mark-lt appearr oo cvcry Andcrren Framc.


K. A. Millican, President of the Pacific National Bank of San Francisco, was the Speaker of the Day at the regular Hoo-Hoo Luncheon held at the Palace Hotel on Thursday, July 9. His subject was "Three Points ofContact." Mr. Millican, who is an excellent speaker, stated that the three important points of contact in any business are the "Personal," "Qorrrespondence," and ttTelephonic." He spoke in detail how these important factors should be carried out by a successful business concern, and as his talk was injected with much humor, his remarks were thoroughly enjoyed by the large gathering.

Harry W. Gaetjen, Empire Planing Mill Co., was Chairman of the Day.' "Harry's own Trio," composed of his three childr:en, Norma Gaetjen, and Harold and Walter Gaetjen, furnished an excellent vocal and musical entertainment. Mrs. Gaetjen accompanied them on the piano.

President Rod Hendrickson presided over the business session. R. A. Hiscox made a report on the "On to Spokane" committee for the 34th Annual. Fred Roth made a report on the lloo-Hog Picnic that will be held at Kendall Dill on August 16. Bill Beebe was the winner of the Attendance Prize donated by G. W. Fraser, and Bob Gehring was the winner of the Attendance Prize donated by Bert Dimmick. R. W. Wilson. Chairman of the Fraternal Committee, announced that C. Stowell Smith, who is confined to the hospital in Oakland, is much improved in health,-and he also- reported the death of G.R. DeVore No. 170o1. President Hendrickson announced that the Club membership was now 196 and that he hoped to reach the 200 mark before September.

Fred Burgers, IJnion Lumber Co., will act as Chairman of the Day it the meeting on July 23. \4. W. Davis, Davis Hardwooil Co., will have charge of the first meeting in September.


Realizing that many of the lumbermen who will travel long distances to attend the Thirty-fourth Hoo-Hoo Annual at Spokane will be interested in inspecting the big logging and manufacturing operations of the Inland Empire, the committees in charge are planning side trips to these operations as a special feature of the program.

Not only will these trips take the visiting lumbermen to the plants and mills, but to the vast stands of virgin timber as well.

Conservation and reforestation being among the principal interests of all Hoo-Hoo, these subjects will have a prominent place on the annual prog'ram. Authorities on the subject from the United States and Canada will speak.

The scenic wonders of the Pacific Northwest will be shown the visitors during their trips out of Spokane, and in these the ladies will find things of interest, while their hubbies are visiting the camps and mills.

Reduced rail rates will be effective from all points in the United States and Canada, according to R. S. Brown, chairman of the transportation committee. He has received assurance of the railroads that the certificate plan, providing one and one-half fare from points of origin west of the Missouri River, and including Western Canada, will be in effect. Summer tourist rates will allow the reduced fare from other points.


The winner of the first annual golf tournament of the Seattle Hoo Hoo Club was Marfield Balcom. who defeated Carl Blackstock in gaining that honor.

Twenty- Seven Initiated, TwentyThree Reinstated at Portland

Hoo-Hoo has really taken o'n a new lease of life in Portland. The concat staged July 9with Parson Simpkin in charge brought twenty-seven kittens and twenty-three old cats into the fold.

Vicegerent E. D. Kingsley led the nine, which was as follows: Charles E. Miller, Senior Hoo-Hoo; E. E. Hall, Iunior Hoo-Hoo; K. H. Koehler, bojum; W. H. Anderson, jabberwock; Wilson W. Clark, arcanoper; David Davis, scrinvenoter; W. B. Mack, custocation, and A. R. Baker, gurdon.

Spokane sent an invitation expressing the hope that a large number of Portland lumbermen would be able to attend the Thirty-fourth annual convention of the order, to be held in that city September 14-17, Portland Hoo-Hoo Club held its first luncheon July 15, and had a very good attendance.


A big evening's work rvas accomplished at Vangouver July 10, when 60 kittens and 17 old-timers were elected to membership at a concatenation attended by 150.

Dinner was served at 6:30. J. A. Edgecumbe, vicegerent, presided, and his remarks drew attention to the fact that rvhile there are now 2O4 members, it was difficult to find the minimum number of nine to revive the Vancouver branch.

After the concatenation a Hoo-Hoo Club was formed. P. D. Roe was elected president, A. E. Robson and W. H. Tomlinson, r'ice-presidents, andHarold Hurndall secietary-treasurer.

An invitation was sent to Henry Isherwood, general secretary, $t. Louis, asking the delegates to the thirty-fourth annual convention at Spokane tovisit Vancouver.

Portland Hoo Hoo Club Entertains National American Wholesalers

Officers of the National-American Wholesale l-umber Association visiting Portland for their midsummer meeting .were entertained at luncheon by the Portland Hoo Hoo Club July 21. The attendance wis large, and representative of all branches of the industry.

C!Ls._L. Iaindner presided ind brief addresses were given by, E. D. Kingsley, president, West Coast Lumbermen,s Association; Dwight Hinckley, president, National-American Wholesale Lumber Association; W. W. Schupner, secretary- of this association; Herbert A. Templeton, president Western Retail Lumbermen's Association, and A. W. Cooper, secretary and manager, 'Western Pine Manufacturers Association.

In his address Mr. Kingsley urged all his hearers to do theirpart towards conservation. Mr. Hinckley sketched rapidly the important work being done by his association, whose 800 members last year marketed 20 billion feet of lumber, and Mr. Schupner outlined in more detail the work of the various departments.

Mr. Templeton issued an invitation to the Portland Hoo Hoo Club to take charge of one of the sessions at the annual institute of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association to be held at Portland next February. This invitation was accepted by Chairman Lindner on behalf of the club.


Visiting delegates to the Thirty-fourth Annual Convention of the Concatenated order of Hoo-Hoo rvill have the privilege of golfing on any of the Spokane Golf Courses. Special arrangements have been made by A. L. porter,

'chairman of the local entertainment committee. to have lady caddies for those playing at the Spokane Country Club. Twenty-five of Spokane's popular society girls have volunteered to act as caddies for the visiting golfers. It is predicted thatthis course will be very popular during the convention.

The convention will open September 13, with serviceb at St. Paul's Methodist Church, presided over by Parson P. A. Simpkins, National Chaplain. The morning of September 14 will be taken up with the registration of visitors. After lunch a flying trip will be made to near-by mills. In the evening, the Osyrian Cloister initiation will be held at the Davenport Hotel, followed by the Osyrian Cloister Banquet.

Business sessions proper will open September 15, to be follou'ed later in the day by a "Concat" for local candidates. A theater party will be given in the evening for visiting ladies.

September 16 will be giveh over entirely to business sessions and the Concatenation will be officially closed with a dinner dance, to be held at the Davenport Hotel in the evening.

All Hoo-Hoo Clubs in the Northwest are co_operating to make this the biggest convention ever held. An iiinerarv is being arrahged following the convention wl-rich will pei_ mit the visitors tovisitall the large mills and lumbeiing operations on the coast. This itinerary includes Seattlq Tacoma, Longview, Portland and Vanctuver. B. C.

Spokane, Washington. Jane 27, 1925. Presidents Hoo-Hoo Clubs.


A chain is no stronger than its weakest link_so let's have no weak links in the attendance committee for the 34th Annual Convention of Hoo-Ho", to f" held in Spokane, September 14 to 17.

- As you have been appointed one of this committee by our wo.rthy Secretiry-Treasurer, Brother Isher_ wood, and-by_all_doing their part, this year,s Annual can be made the best ever in fhe history of Hoo_Hoo. Write at least 25 of yoar friends perso-nal invitaaio;: 1o p9."t .you here. Circularize the members of your jurisdi-ction. Keep the dates before the membeis of your ctub, 1ld get them all to working, and tell them we want all lumbermen here, whethlr members of Hoo-Hoo or not. Tell thern what a wonderful vaca_ tion, a. trip -to the Northwest will be-wh.r. .""rr.rv abounds-also the educational part, where th.l;r;;:i remaining.forests of this courrtry now prevail ;;J lumber in its every stage of manuiacture Can be seen.

Last, but not least, the lumber interest of not only lpokane and the Inlapd Empire, but on the Coasi, Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Vancou""r, "i"-U,irij ing to entertain them and conduct them to various places of interest.

We want 9999 to be with us, September 14 to 17, so all get together and put it over. -

Help-Help-and Cohe, bringing a delegation with you.


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