4 minute read
Shingles and Climate
By Jack Dionne
This article is written for the purpose of driving {urther and further home the thought that California should use more wooden shingles, and should use BETTER wooden shingles, to the end that it may use more wooden shingles.
But it is likewise written for the purpose of mentioning in passing the fact that this California climate makes possible the use of certain building materials that couldn't possibly be used with success anywhere else on earth.
It is just possible that some of the lumbermen of California do not rcalize their many blessings, and that those who do may not rcalize the unusual quality of their blessedness, and we want them to fully understand how thoroughly the Lord has his arm around this state, when it comes to climate and building materials.
I have been criticising California lumbermen for selling too few shingles, and have uttered the thought several times that if they sold BETTER shingles, they would sell MORE shingles.
The fact is that if it were not for this most "unusual" climate of California, they would be absolutely EORCED to sell better shingles, to a considerable degree, at least.
Because a roof will stand for years in California, keep out the rain and the weather, and give excellent servicecomparatively speaking-thatwould not stand up anywhere else on earth.
Same way with other building materials. I have seen a house thrown together in California in the flimsiest way possible, low grade two by three framework, cull sheeting, a layer of common chicken wire, and then a layer of stucco, and pronto ! We have a home.
Tobarco Mahogeny Bataan Mahogany Duali Oregon Pinc Connerciel and Furniturc Plywood.
Urrclcctcd Gum
Quartcred Orlc
Plaiu OeL Birch Elm Barewood Port Orford Ccdar
And we, who see building done in other climes and other climates, raise our hands in horror and cry-"How many days will it stand ?" And we come back at the end of five years and discover that it still stands, that it still looks good, that there isn't a crack apparent in it, and the "home sucker" who bought the shell from the rascally builder still thinks he has the best house in town, because nothing has happened to make him think otherwise.
If you built a house of that sort in Texas, the rain would fall and drench it, and then the sun would blaze out upon the wet materials and kiln-dry it, and it would crack wide open in a few days. And then the wind would come along and blow it into fragments.
And so it would in most other climates, except California. A lot of the sorriest rascals that ever built homes that were in fact "whited sepulchres filled with all uncleanness," have operated in Southern California, and thousands of victims remain blissfully ignorant of the fact that they are living in houses that wouldn't stand up three months in any other territory on the globe.
And this statement is made calmly and seriously, without any idea of humor or exaggeration.
Now, a wooden shingle is an ideal roof. A 6 to 2 Star shingle is a far better roof than a world of the roofs that are sold for more noney. A Star shingle in this California climate lasts longer than it does anywhere else, and gives better satisfaction than it does anywhere else. It does not have to stand the strain that comes in climates where high temperatures and heavy rains go together. It is the soaked shingle, suddenly exposed to heavy sun glare, that catches the Deuce. That doesn't happen in California, where the rain comes in the cool weather.
And undoubtedly a thin wooden shingle will last longer and give a better roof than it will anywhere else.
But the Lumbermen of California specialize too particularly in the thin shingle. They do not give their trade enough variety. They do not give them enough opportunity to choose between that and better shingles. They do not offer their trade a service that their trade is entitled to, in the opportunity to see and choose-if they wishthicker, longer, better quality shingles, that will be better suited to their purposes, more in keeping with the homes they are to cover, etc.
There IS a change going on. Within the past two weeks I have had the pleasure of seeing long, beautiful, thick shingles being placed on new and beautiful homes in Southern California. There are some very active forces at work in the state in behalf of these better shingles.
And there will be more of them. I predict it freely. By the end of this year you will see high grade wooden shingles being offered the building trade in every spot in California. Then the trade will have the right and the chance to make their choice.
But the man who builds a roof in California and wants a wooden shingle, has a right to be shown a variety of shingles, told the price of the various kinds, and permitted to choose. In the past such a man has had only one choice in most districts of California-thin wooden shingles, or some other roof.
Which is plainly and manifestly an injustice to the shingle business, and to the lumber industry.
A good shingle roof, well nailed and constructed, will last longer than the man who builds it, regardless of his present age. He should know that fact. He should see the better shingles. Then, if he still wants the thin shingle, the lumberman will have done his duty, and the builder will have been properly served.
Cannon Beach, Ore., July l.-George Walker recentlv 9ug .tp the giant redwood tree which-has lain embeddei in the sands near Elk creek at Cannon Beach fo. v"a* He worked fortwo days with a team and scraper 6"f.;; he was able to move the tree. Mr. Walker esUmater-it ai he has taken nearly $3,000 worth of lumber out of thu-ifi and has cut 30 circular dining room table tops, wortt a-f, proximately $75 each.
This tree was 8 feet through and 50 feet long. Louis Burke_reported that.he saw the tree lying in the sime;il;; rn 166/, ancl accordlng to the number of rings it wai SZ7 years old.. For years people -have been Uuiia;ne U."n.", ft:Ti:.i. and picnicking in its shelter withouf ,;;ii;G
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