1 minute read
By lack Dionnc
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Some less.
A Few Scotch Gags
"Caddy, what's your name?"
"Sandy, Sir."
"Sandy, are you a guid caddy?"
ttl am.tt ttl am-tt t***
"And Sandy, are you guid at finding balls?"
"Well Sandy, hurry up and find one, and we'll start to play."
"What is the hardest thing on earth to find?"
"A Scotchman on tag day."
Big Timber
Priccr NOW: l5r3ll ino $250; 21h30 in, S35l; lSxfl in' $6.00; 20160 or 31}140 in, $75|L Exl0 printr, $6 pcr doz. Mailed on Approval to Responsible Lumbemen
JOHN D. CRESS, "Forest Fotografe/'
"Have you heard of the latest use for German Marks?"
"\ll/hat.is it?"
"The Scotch are using them to tip their caddies."
"Hour did the Scotchman commit suicide?"
"fn true Scotch fashion."
"flow was that?"
"I{e went over to a neighbor's house and turned on the gas.
Sees Bright Outlook
Carl R. Gray, President of the Union Pacific System, in a speech before the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, at Washington, said:
"I have just completed a trip of three weeks through the West. It is my firm belief that fundamentally bus-iness conditions are better now than at any time since the War. For obvious reasons buying is restricted, but by and large, crop prospects are favorable, prices promise well, the banks have money, and credits are readily obtain-able for proper business vCntures. I believe that we shall have good business throughout the West in the late summer and fall."