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what it is:
Reciprocal insurance viewed from a baric etandpoint is self-insurance put into practical operation by a large body of employere.
Reciprocal insurance while participating in its bene6ts, restricts and confines ite contingent liability and even this contingency in our organization is de6nitely controllcd and sct aside by thc cxcess and aslessment re-inrurance which we carry.
Rcciprocal ingurance ie placcd thru an agreement in which every obligation is clearly sct forth and known before the insurancc is placed.
Under the heading "There's Profit in Porches," the current issue of "The lJpsonizer" the beautiful monthly magazine issued by The Upson Company, of Lockport, N. Y., reprints an original sleeping porch editorial formerly used in "The California Lumber Merchant."
The article is not only reprinted, but it is delightfully illustrated, showing how porch additions may be made with the use of Upson Board. And with a little editorial boosting The Lumber Merchant article, there is also a nice little porch boosting letter prepared by The Upson Company for the lumber dealer to use in suggesting new porches to his trade, which reads as follows:
Dear Homester:-
How would you like to speel in the Great Wide Open Spaces with the comfort of being at home ?
Round here, at our office, we have photographs and plans of some beautiful porches where people do that very thing. These porches are lined with Upson Board, the nearest perfect wall and ceiling material.
It is waterproofed to resist the elements, and is guaranteed not to warp or break if properly applied.
Drop in and see us, or let us call and show you how we can transform your sleeping porch with Upson Board-it won't cost very much.
Yours for More Ozone, BLANK LUMBER COMPANY
Rcciprocal ingurance supported by cxccts and acecsmcnt rc-insurancc is a fundamentally "oorrd, cquitably benefrcial, and cverlaatingly enduring ryctem of protection.
Thie dependable form of completc covcrag+and no other-ic offered by ur.
Compensation Insurance For
qrood lurnbcr quiclr?