1 minute read

A Milliorr lor lfile.High Qualfty

AFTER three vears of la. sxpbring, testing, prospecting hundreds of sample ores, the Blue Diamond Company an nounces the openingof its ne\il g\rpsum deposit ery...a cost of over $1,OOO,OOO.

On a mountaintop inthe middle of the American desert, it was the most ex, pensive and inaccessible deposit available, yet rich. est in quality and quantity.

To develop it necessitated eleven miles of railroad, eight miles of trlck road" a giant tramway, bunkers, living qrrarters, machin.

BlueDiamonds ultra modern Loe Angeles plaster mill is assured a constant supply of gyp6um-pure, white, rrniform and ungur. passed.

Nothing could be better fer pattern stock and planing mill lumber for all purpoEea, than our wide, thick, soft textured lumber. lt comes from California Sugar Pine trees, which are famous for their exceptional size and quality

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