2 minute read
\Tholesale Lumber Association
San Francirco Office: 26O California St.
F. J. O'Connor, Prcr. and Gan. Mgr. - Phoac GArield 56,15 Lor Angeles Oftce: Petroleurn Securitier Bldg.
Clint Laughlin, Dirtrict Mrnagcr Phonc PRorpeet 2703
W. R. Chatnbcrlin & Cq .....,..................Su Fnncirco ud Lo Angcler
Dowu Lunbcr Co. ..........Su Fnncirco end lo Aagclo
Eutcm & Watm Lmbcr Co...........,..........Port|and and Su Fruci*o
Hemod Lmbcr Co. ........San FnncLco and Lo Angclo
J. R, Henlfy CG ..,.......... ..San Frucbcoud Lo Argclc
H.rt-Wod lrmbcr Co. ......'..Su Fnncis r{. B. Johm Lmber Co. ...,.Sln Fruis
G D. Johnon Lunbcr Co. ....SuFnncioudlcArgelcr
Aliin N. LofSrcn .,...... ........Su Frucis
MacDoald & Heningto .....Su Frucls aad Lo Angala
A. F. Mrhmy Lmbcr Co. ......Sln Frocis
Chas. R. McCmlclt Lrmbcr Co. ,.............'Sm Frocis ud Lo Angcto
McCmick Supply Co ..,.....Se Fmig@ ud Ipr Angebr
W. J. Mulligu & Co. ...........................Su Fruieo ud Lc Angeles
Chuls Nclro Co ......,...... Sm Fnnclcco and Lc An3da
Peroino Lubcr Cc ......'.'.Su Fnndso
Suta F. Lumber Co. .San Fnncis ud Lc Aagcler
Sudda & Chrirtcnron ..,.....Sen Fmci*o ud Loc AnSda
Twa Lunber Co .......'.... Su Frreis
Wadling-Nathu Co. ..... ....................,.San Fmsio ud Lc Argcla
R. O. Wllon & Son ,........ Sl$ Fnncllco
Wlt:a Bru. & Co. ..SuFru:somdLcAngclcr
E. K. Wod Lumbcr Co. .....Su Fmciro ud ls Angclcr
Hlll & Morton, hc ............ .'.....OekLend
Bladcl-Dowu Lumber Milk ...L4 An3clcl
Bokrtaver-Bqro Lubcr Cq
Brookr Lubcr Co. .........'..
I(rckhotf-Cwr Lmber Co. ........Lo Arrelcc
Irme-Philipo Lmbcr Co.
Petta-BIu Luber Cq .........Is Angcler
E. l- Reltz Cmpaqz .............It Artdc
3u Pedrc Lmber Cc ............1s AngCcr
Schafa Bro Lmber & Shingle Co. ...............Moteroo ud Is Angclcr wholly on united action by all employers. For this reason I ask you, as an employer to do your part by signing.
"2. If it turns out that the general agreement bears unfairly on any group of employers, they can have that straightened out by presenting promptly their proposed code of fair competition."
The forms are to be delivered to employers of more than three persons all over the 'country. The post office departrnent rvill have charge of the distribution.
Lumber Code Hearings
Washington, D. C., July 18.-The Emergency National Committee of the lumber industries, which will be hereafter known as the Lumber Code Authority, with C. Arthur Bruce, Memphis, Tenn., as acting executive officer, will have charge of the presentation of the case for the lumber industries' code in the hearings which begin on July 20, before General Johnson, NIRA administrator.
Laird Bell, Chicago attorneys, has been designated by General Johnson as his lumber industry adviser. M. W. Stark, Columbus, Ohio, lumberman, has been appointed by Gen. Johnson as permanent assistant to Assistant Administrator Dudley Cates, who will conduct the hearings for the Administration.
The list of those who will appear in advocacy of the lumber code, whi'ch was submitted on July 10, includes Mr. Bruce; C. C. Sheppard, Clarks, La., president of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association; Wilson Compton, Washington, D. C., manager of that association; John D. Tennant, Longview, \Mash., chairman of the Lumber Code Authority; Col. W. B. Greeley, manager West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, Wash.
Al Hart Will Handle Sales of Hart-\(/ood Mill
Alfred W. Hart will leave Los Angeles for Raymond, Wash., oh August I where he will be director of sales for the Hart-Wood Lumber Co. mill which is resuming operations. For the past several years, he has been connected with the Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., as Northwest buyer with headquarters in Tacoma, and during the past year he has been a member of their sales staff working out of their Los Angeles office. Prior to joining the LawrencePhilips organization, he was manager of the Quinault Lumber Co. at Raymond, Wash. The Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co. will represent the Hart-Wood Lumber Co. in Southern California.
Hotel Wiltshire
STOCKTON ST. SAN FRANCISCO Nor Uaion Squm - Telephoc Suttr zte l5o Roomr, Each with Tub and Shower - Stricdy Fireproof 92.d) to 93.oo Single . $2.5o to $4.fi) Double
Special Wekly and Motbly Ratc*tcrving C|ub Bna|rfutc 25c' 35c' t s Dimere, includtag Sudry, 50c
Take Any Yellou Cab ds Our Guest - Frec Garage