5 minute read

National Wood Utilization National Forest Fire Regulations Committce Abolished Now in Effect

Washington, |uly l8.-Discontinuance of the National Committee on Wood Utilization, which is slated along with many other,changes in the United States Department of Commer'ce, interrupts an important service to the lumber, forest produ,cts and building and manufacturing industries of the country.

During the eight years of its existence under the able leadership of Axel H. Oxholm, the Committee has devoted itself to the problem of the closer utilization of the country's forest resour,ces and has issued a notable list of publications covering many phases of this problem. It has cooperated with various departments of the Government in specifications for lumber and timber purchases; has taken an active part in introducing in this country various foreign methods and devices of construction and has achieved a world-wide reputation as a cen'ter of authoritative information on the use of wood and wood products.

Wilson Compton, President of American Forest Products Industries, In,c., in a recent letter expresses regret to Mr. Oxholm on the "interruption" of the work of the Committee, stating that he is confident it will be resumed.

A resolution passed at the annual meetings of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association and American Forest Produ,cts Industries, in Chicago, July 1, urged the Secretary of Commerce to establish in the Department of Commerce a forest products division continuing the essential work of the Lumber Division, National Committee on Wood Utilization and U. S. Timber Conservation Board.

Among the committee's important publications have been "Modern Connectors for Timber Construction"; "You Can Make ft" series; "How to Judge a House"; House Insulation"; "Light Frame House Construction"; "Chemical Utilization of Wood"; "The Marketing of Short-Length Lumber"; and "Sawdust and Wood Floor."

Mr. Oxholm, Director of the National Committee on Wood Utilization, has been assisted by an able staff, including among others Nelson S. Perkins, Construction Engineer; Russell E. Backstrom, Insulation Specialist; Philip A. Haywood, Chief of Technological Research; Claude Bell, Assistant Chief, and H. Conrad lloover, Mechanical Engineer.

Calling on Lumber Trade

Martin Olson has joined the sales staff of the W. J. Mulligan & Co. Los Angeles office and is ,calling on the Southern California retail lumber trade. He has been associated with the lumber business in Southern California for a long period and was formerly connected with the Los Angeles office of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.

John E. Carter

John E. Carter, father of Olin H. Carter, manager of the Palo Alto Lumber & Roofing Co., Palo Alto, passed away at Clovis, Calif., July 22.

Mr. Carter was seventy-seven years of age, and was born in lowa.

Nearly "one grand" of fires and one fire that was not so grand for the water users of southern California were charged to careless smokers in 1932 by Regional Forester S. B. Show today as he issued an or,der closing all national forests in California to smoking. Nine hundred and ninetynine fires were caused last year by the careless throwing of lighted matches and burning tobacco in the dry litter of the forest and in the dry grass and grain fields of the State. The Matilija fire of last September whi,ch burned over 219,000 acres of watershed on the Santa Barbara Forest is one of the results of thoughtlessness on the part of those who travel the mountains in the hot dry summer. In all national forests smoking is allowed at "Fag Stations" established along roads and trails for the convenience of smokers and at camps and places of habitation, according to Show. Travelers in the National forests should note that auto and pack train parties camping in the national forests must have a shovel and ax before they can obtain a camp fire permit, and that hazardous areas and roads are now being closed to use and travel on account of the approaching fire danger season. On the Mendocino Forest the Erickson windfall area is ,closed to all use except under permit from the Forest Service and the Brushy Camp road is closed to travel. Blue Canyon on the Sierra Forest is closed to all use and the Ralston Divide road on the Eldorado Forest is closed to travel.

Mrs. Etta Manning Koll

Mrs. Etta Manning Koll, wife of August J. Koll, president of the A. J. Koll Planing Mill, Ltd., died at her home in Los Angeles on July 16, as the result of injuries received in an automobile accident near Duncan, Ariz., on July 3. She was sixty-nine years of age.

Mrs. Koll was born in Sonora county but had been a resident of Los Angeles for fifty years. Besides her husband, she is survived by three sons, \Malter A., Harvey W. and Milton Koll, and a daughter, Mrs. Marie H. Wright, all of Los Angeles. Funeral servces were held at the Little Church of the Flowers, Forest Lawn Cemetery, Glendale, on Wednesday afternoon, July 19.

lvory Pine Co. in Operation

Klamath Falls, Ore.-Operating the plant at Pelican City, just out of Klamath Falls, Oregon, formerly known as the Wheeler-Olmstead Mill, and later operated by the Shaw-Bertram Lumber Company, the Ivory Pine Company recently began cutting Ponderosa Pine. The mill was in full swing within twenty-four hours, cutting Selects, Shop, Common, and Box. It is expected that lumber will be dry and in shipping condition within forty-five days.

Redwood Mills Raise W.ges \Tholesalers Play Golf

As a result of a two-day conference held July t7 and 18 in Eureka, representatives of, the Redwood industry in Humboldt County adopted an agreement establishing a general wage increase in line with President Roosevelt's suggestions and the National Industrial Recovery Act. The agreement went into effect immediately. The wage increases affected nearly 2000 men now employed.

Enters Retail Field

The W. E. Cooper Lumber Co. of Los Angeles has entered the retail lumber field having purchased the J. D. Halstead Lumber Co. yard at 4&O West Pi.co Street, Los Angeles, and the Altadena Lumber Co. yard at Altadena. They have also opeqred a retail lumber store at 5103 York Blvd., Los Angeles. Phil B. Hart is in charge of the York Blvd. store. Marshall Davies, who formerly managed the company's store is now ,connected with the West Pico Street yard. Orville Higley is running the Altadena yard. The headquarters of the W. E. Cooper Lumber Co. are at 2035 East Fifteenth Street, Los Angeles.


Ed Middleton, superintendent of Anderson & Middleton Lumber Co., Aberdeen, was a recent visitor in San Francisco, where he made his headquarters at the office of W. R. Chamberlin & Co., California sales agents for his company.

The Los Angeles wholesale lumbermen held a golf tournament at the Chevy Chase Golf Club on Friday afternoon, Jaly 21. Harvey Bowles was the low net winner with a net score of.7l and, gets the first leg on the Wholesalers' Cup. The wholesalers plan to hold these tournaments monthly. In the evening, dinner was served in the club house.

Celebrates 85th. Birthd.y

A. B. Hammond, president of the Hammond Lumber Company, celebrated his 85th birthday Jaly 22. Mr. Hammond has recovered from the slight indisposition that confined him to his horire for a short period and is now spending a week or trvo at Arrowhead Springs.

National Reopens S. F. Office

The National Lumber Manufacturers Association has reopened the San Francisco office at 45 Second Street, and has retained A. C. Horner on special work involving building 'code matters, and the sale and use of timber connectors.

Put 200 Men Back to \7ork

Holmes Eureka Lumber Co. have recently put 200 men back to work in their sawmill and camp, and are now producing between 60,000 and 70,000 feet of Redwood per day at their Eureka plant. The increased production tvas made necessary by the increased demand for Redwood. Production may be in,creased to 10O,000 feet a day in the near future.

Mrs. Nettie l. Snook

Mrs. Nettie I. Snook, mother of Mrs. Russell B. Stevens, died at Healdsburg, J.uly 6.

Mrs. Stevens is the wife of Russell B. Stevens of the A. F. Stevens Lumber Company, Healdsburg.


Douglas Fir Dimension

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