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Los sale. chant.
Lumber Yards For Sale
Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for Address Box C-480. Care California Lumber Mer-
Retail Lumberman Seeks Position
Manager, Assistant, or other duties-with future. Has managed good sized yards successfully. Expert accountant and office worker. Knows lumber and millwork business. Willing to demonstrate ability before mentioning salary. High class references. Address Box C-490, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Salesman
Lumber salesman wants connection with reliable wholesale lumber firm. Southern California preferred. 10 years experience selling and knows the California retail trade. Will accept drawing account against commissions and will furnish car. Forrest W. Wilson. care The California Lumber Merchant.
Position Wanted
Wanted: Position by young woman with 15 years' lumber experience as secretary and oflice manager. Thoroughly capable of taking charge of bookkeeping, estimating and buying. Can furnish excellent references Address Box C-488, California Lumber Merchant.
Returns From Eastern Trip
Guy E. Smith, general sales manager, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned JuJy 17 from a business trip to Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia and New York. While in Chicago Mr. Smith visited the "Century of Progress" Exposition.
Attends Golden Wedding Anniversary
Fred A. Chapin, Fred A. Chapin Lumber Co., San Bernardino, has returned from a three weeks' trip to Vinton, Ia., where he attended the golden wedding anniversary of his father and mother. Mrs. Chapin accompanied him on the trip.
C. G. Briggs, president of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, recently made a short business trip by automobile to California. While here he conferred with H. Sewall Morton of Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland, Northern California sales agents for his company.
Wants Position
Lumberman with thorough and diversified experience in lumber business wants position. Knows lumber from all angles-Retail Yard; Sawmill-both in manufacturing and sales department. Sales experience with Eastern connections and consumers in California. Is a practical box shook man and has knowledge of all office details, including timekeeper. Address Box C-483, California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Partner For Retail Yard
Los Angeles retail lumber yard-established 10 yearswants partner who can invest some money in a going business. Good proposition for right man. Address Box C-487, California Lumber Merchant.
Bookkeeper And Stenographer Wants Position
Young lady with several years'experience as bookkeeper and stenographer desires position with lumber concern. Familiar with all general office work. Can furnish best of referen,ces. Address Box C-€9, California Lumber Merchant, or telephone CApitol 4000.
For Sale
To settle partnership modern up-to-date yard for sale. 10 miles from Los Angeles, small investment, will make terms. C. I. Frye, 237 East Anaheim St., Long Beach.
Flies To Chicago
H. W. Bunker, president of the Coos Bay Lumber Co. left San Francisco on the evening plane qf the United Ai Lines for Chicago July 16, and went on from there Washington to attend the lumber code hearing July 20.
Visits Northwest
rir to
M. L. "Duke" Euphrat, of Wendling-Nathan Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from a two weeks' combined business and vacation trip to the Northwest. Most of the time was spent in Portland where his family has been visiting for some weeks.
Recovering From Illness
George Robinson, well known lumber salesman, formerly rvith Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., with headquarters in Stockton, who has been in the Veteran's Hospital near Livermore for the past several months, is making satisfactory prog'ress, and will be glad to see any of his friends who may be passing that way.
Visiting hours are 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on week days, and 1O:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays.