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From the Files of The California Lumber Merchant, August 1 , 1924

"Fulfilling Our Destiny" is an editorial by Jack Dionne in which is reproduced a complimentary letter received from C. H. White of White Brothers, San Francisco. Jack Dionne says: "Mr. White has said for us exactly what we would like best to have said."

The market report ,.rl ,r1",1n. ar,,rornia lumber situation is in a decidedly better corrdition, and that each day sees more improvement.

Ben Woodhead of Beaumont, Texas., is suggested for Snark of the lJniverse, Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo. ***

Joe Rolando has been appointed manager of the SuddenHeitman Lumber Co. yard at San Francisco.

LeRoy Stanton, Phil Hart inspect Pinedale, Calif.

McAlpine, L. M. Rosenberg and Sugar Pine Lumber Co. plant at ***

This issue carries two pages of congratulation messages on our Second Anniversary Issue.

The Arizona llIill & Lumber Co. at Flagstaff, Ariz., is enlarging their mill which rvill double their capacity.

The Superior Saw & Supply Co., a newly formed company, has opened an office at 342 Winston Street, I-os Angeles. ***

E. P. Hunter of Waco, Texas, general manager of Wm. Cameron & Company, was a recent California visitor. He was accompanied by Mrs. Hunter. Mr. Hunter is an out. standing figure from the standpoint of progressive lumber merchandising.

Klamath Falls, Ore., ;;; held a concatenation on July 6. Thirty-four Kittens were initiated and two reinstatements were made. ***

J. Walter Kelly presides at San Francisco Hoo-Hoo meeting. William H. Propert, United States Steel Products Co., was the speaker. **:t

At the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo luncheon on July 24, Snark lferman Rosenberg announced that the club would hold a dinner dance during the month of August.

Mel Salomon was the winner of the Lumber Estimating Contest at the regular meeting of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco on June 26.

The Long-Bell Lumber Company mill at Longview, Wash., started cutting on July 31.

Prospects and Niblicks" by Jack Dionne is an interview on the lumber situation with Gus lloover of Los Angeles. :frf*

The aggregate value of building permits for fifty-six reporting cities in California for the first half of. 1924 totaled $199,151,@7, as compared with $219,109,455 for the same period in 1923.

The A. W. Smith Lumber Co. of Los Angeles has been appointed the exclusive agents for Williams' Famous Fir Finish for Southern California

D. R. Philips, formerly Los Angeles manager for the J. R. Hanify Co., will join the Los Angeles sales force of the Hart-Wood Lumber Co. on August 1.

The Starks Shingle Stains, Inc., start operating at Seattle, Wash. J. J. Starks is president, Dan Earle, secretary, and Don Clark, treasurer.*

The San Fernando Lumbermen's Club met at San Fernando on July 11. A. B. Garrett addressed the meeting on "Cost Accounting."

The S. W. Towle tr-OJ ;., . corporation with S. W. Towle, president, and Chas. McFarlane, vice-president, rvas recently formed with offices and yard at Seventh and Howard Streets, San Francisco.

The Merryman redwo; ;J of timber was recently sold to the Charles -Nelson Company of San Francisco. The sale involved approximately a billion feet of timber on 13,000 acres, located mostly in Humboldt County.

Meyer & Hodge, Los Angeles wholesalers, have been appointed exclusive representatives in Southern California, Arizona, Ner,v Mexico and Texas for the Hutchinson Lumber Co. of Oroville, Calif.

An editorial, "Plan to Create Lumber Center on San Diego Tidelands," is reprinted from the San Diego Union.

"IJsing Home Plans to Sell Home Sites" is an editorial by Jack Dionne.

Construction work on the new $10d,000 administration building and additions of the Pioneer Paper Company at Los Angeles will be completed on September 1. ***

Clyde Seavey, President of the California State Railroad Commission, was the speaker at the San Francisco HooHoo meeting on July 24. Fred Roth was chairman of the meeting.

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