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Wins Pfize at Modesto NRA Disapproves Definition o[ Celebration
A parade, two miles long, consisting entirely of animal drawn vehicles, was a feature of the Fiftieth Birthday celebration of Modesto observed on July 4. The event was watched by about 40,000 people.
The Stanislaus Lumber Company entry was the winner of first prize in the commercial section. Their entry was an old lumber wagon with a load of logs drawn by oxen. Jim Gartin in a Buffalo Bill-Kit Carson ensemble was at the reins, while Dick Ustick in a pioneer outfit and long rifle walked in advance of the oxen keeping an eye open for water holes.
Inland Lumber lnstitute Meets
The Inland Lumber Institute held a general meeting at the Cafe Madrid, San Bernardino, Calif.. on Wednesday evening, July 11, 1934, to discuss the new retail lumber and building materials modal mark-up. The rneeting was presided over by President F. W. Chase.
Harry A. Lake, Garden Grove, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, and Frank Fox, FoxWoodsum Lumber Co., Glendale, addressed the meeting. A. D. White, secretary of the Riverside Lumbermen's Club, and W. R. McWilliams, secretary of the PomonaOntario District, attended the meeting.