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if you could talk with an outstanding authority on investmen$, sdmeone whose &nowledge, experience, information, training and unbias is beyond doubt?
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For over 3O years we have been giving juet ruch counrel to individuaL and institutions.
Whether your inquiry concern! the putchase or aale of an individual cecurity, or the recon$ruction of your entire investrnent program, Brooknire will give you information and counsel to solve your problemr.
On a fee per inquiry basis.
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Department CLM-82
\(/holesale Lumber Trade
Washington, D. C., July 17.-The National Recovery Administration today announced disapproval of a proposal by the Code Authority for the Lumber and Timber Products Industry to incorporate in the Code a definition of the wholesale lumber trade. It is understood that the amendment will again be revised and resubmitted.
For some months, since the adoption of the Code, the Code Authority, following previous years of effort upon the part of the Industry itself, has been attempting properly to define lumber wholesalers. This has been found to be an exceedingly difficult task because of the great diversity of methods used in the sale of lumber in large quantities.
The proposed amendment was found by NRA to be possible of such construction that it might put out of busi ness or seriously embarrass certain lumber wholesalers who have sold to large consumers in the past. Furthermore, it might have been construed to have provided for arbitrary discrimination between purchases by the Federal governrnent and purchases by State governments and their political subdivisions.
A public hearing was held on the proposed amendment on March 17,1934, at which both the proponents and opponents of the amendment appeared. Thereafter the amendment was revised and resubmitted to the Nationat Recovery Administration on July 6, 1934.
Ce*ified as "sustained Ya"ld" Operations
New Orleans, La., July l5.-Three companies manufacturing Southern Pine lumber in Alabama, Arkansas and Louisiana, have been certified by the Conservation department of the Southern Pine Associatoin, as "sustained yield" operations under terms of the Forest Conservation Code, which became operative June 1, according to announcement here today by'H. C. Berckes, secretary-manager of the Association. The three companies first to achieve this distinction are the Allison Lumber Co', Bellamy, Ala.; Crossett Lumber Co., Crossett, Ark., and Urania Lumber Co., IJrania, La. The "sustained yield capacity" of the three operations are given as follows: Allison, 20 million feet per year; Crossett, 28 million feet, and lJrania, 15 rnillion feet.
D. J. Rust, vice president and manag'er, Ry-Lock Company, Ltd., San Leandro, was recently elected second vice oresident of the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce.
Lumber yard site on Santa Monica Boulevard. The larrd and buridirigs of a going business with SIDE TRACKS. Will rent and sell stock or not as owner desired. Also extra land to rent for industrial or business i;raterial site, atorage house, manufacturing or other purposes. Telephone Owner, ROchester 1107.
Will Invest In First Class Yard Or Yards
Lumberman of experience and ability will invest with executive services, in first class yard or yards. References expected and given. Address Box C-515, care California Lumber Merchant.
Yard Foreman
Wants position with wholesale or retail lumber yard. Knor.vs both softrvoods and hardwoods. Long experience. Anything considered. Can furnish references. Would prefer Los Angeles District. Address Box C-517, care California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yard For Sale
Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for Address Box C-480, Care California Lumber MerLos sale. chant.
Will Buy Good Yard
Experienced lumberman will purchase good yard or interest up to $25,000.00 with management. Address Box C-514. care California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced Lumberman Wants Position
Lumberman of long experience wants position as bookkeeper, office or clerical work. San Francisco Bay district preferred. Address E. T. Paulson, 1735 Grove Street, Berkeley. Telephone AShberry 9932.
Partner in going Lumber and Fuel busirress either active or silent to invest about $1O.000. Best of prospects. Address Box C-516, care California Lumber Merchant.
Travel to National Forests Heavy Booklet on Timber Connectors
"Where can I go camping and catch mountain trout?" is a question being asked the San Francisco headquarters of the U. S. Forest Service many times each day. These inquiries and an unusual demand for maps of the national forests indicate that travel to the mountains of California will be greater than for several years, according to S. B. Show, Regional Forester. Requests for information on renting of sites for summer homes are increasing and reports from the various national forests state that traffic is heavier than since 1929 when over 18 million persons traveled through or camped in the national forests of California. Since that year general travel has decreased but the campers, resort guests and the summer home population has been increasing steadily except for 1932 which was the lowest year for recreation since 1929. The "1931 Gold Rush," when many unemployed panned the streams in the national forests for placer gold, showed a summer population ol 3,992,64O composed of campers and other recreationists, exceeding by 200,000 the figures for 1933.
The total number of recreationists entering the national forests of California in 1933 was 3,780,472, composed of picnickers, ca.mpers, hotel or resort guests and summer home permittees and their friends. The four southern California forests accounted f.or 70 per cent of the recreationists.
Forest ofifrcers find that while transient travel has decreased since 1929 but other classes of visitors entering the national forests have increased 22 per cent. The number of picnickets has almost doubled in the past five years, campers have increased 30 per cent and there has been a steady increase in summer home permittees.
Washington, Jrly 15.-An informative booklet on splitring and toothed-ring timber connectors has been published by the Timber Engineering Company, agency of American Forest Products Industries for handling the distribution of the connectors. The booklet has an adequately descriptive text accompanied by excellent illustrations showing holv connectors are applied to structural members in timber construction and how the latter are assembled into such structures as lookout torvers, radio towers, bridges, platforms, warehouses, garages, etc,
The practical advantages of TECO construction are cited as economy of material, economical substittrtion of wood for steel in many instances, economy of labor cost in erection, strength, prevention of extension of checking, adaptability to expansion and contraction, replacement of expensive plates, hangers, angles and strips; architectural gracefulness, and ease of dismantling without injury to parts.
Copies of the booklet may be obtained by application to American Forest Products Industries, 1337 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D. C.
I\{. H. McCall. Union Lumber is back at his desk following a Long Beach.
FROM VACATION Company, Los Angeles. week's vacation spent at
On Trip To Middle West
E. A. Brorvn, San Francisco, staff engineer fornia Redwood Association, is in the Middle he will spend a month on association work.
for the CaliWest where
l. llow Bark is
A lumberman who knows his mill ponds asked us how the log pictured in Link 6 got into the pond with the bark on. "Mill pondsr" said he, "are nudist colonies for logs."
'S7e explained that this was the case every place excepting Scotia. Why peel off a material and leave it in the forest when it is the insulating material all-wise Nature perfected for her oldest living things-the Redwoods? In the laboratory engineers were amazed by its efficiency and resistance to forces that commonly destroy ordinarv insulation.
Link 7 pictures the peeling operation. Palco Bark is specially processed and packed in convenient 100-pound bale.s for shipment.
The whole interesting story of Palco Bark is yours for the asking.