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Almost An Accident

They were building a brick wall. It was up about three stories high, and the customary group of idlers were standing about in the street, watching the job go up, the materials go up the hoist, and the skill with which the bricklayers piled them up. One tall, lazy-looking darkey edged up fairly close to the new wall. F'or the moment he was watching the wheel-barrow rnen below load the hoist with bricks. And just then a brick slipped from the hand of the brick-layer at the top of the wall, and the crourd gasped as they saw it strike this colored boy right smack on top of the head.

Then they saw him raise his eyes and glare banefully at the offending worker above. "Ca'eful, Big Boy, ca'eful !" warned the injured one. "Look whut you doin' wid dem bricks ! YOU MADE ME BITE MAH TONGUE !"

Lumbermen's Post Will Stage Commander's Western Lumber Co. Make lmprovem€nts "special Night" Augurt 6 and Additions at Yards

All lurnbermen are invited to attend the Commander's "Special Night" to be held by Lumbermen's Post No. 403 of the American Legion at the Rosslyn Hotel on Tuesday evening, August 6, 1935, Fifth and Main Streets, Los Angeles. Ralph Bandini will tell about his deep sea fishing experiences and Kenneth Smith will discuss the Federal Housing Act. Miss Jean Morgan will entertain with several dancing numbers. Reservations should be made early. Dinner will be served at 6:30 P.M.

The annual election of offi'cers will be held at this meetirrg. At the last meeting the following officers were nominated: Commander, William McCullough; First Vice Commander, Stuart Smith; Second Vice Commander, Andrelv Foster; Adjutant, Lloyd Milne; Finance Oflrcer, Carl Schreiber; Chaplain, Russell Gheen; Sergeant-at-Arms, Albert Albertieri. Ed Biggs has been appointed chairman of the golf committee.

Visits Father In Stockton

Martell Wilson, of New York, left Sto,ckton for his home city July 20 af.ter spending a month with his father, O. V. Wilson. Central Lumber Co.. Stockton.

The Western Lumber Company of San Diego have built a new mill ofifice at their San Diego plant which is lined with knotty pine and insulation board and trimmed with hardwoods. They have added several new pieces o{ machinery to their mill at the San Diego yard. The office at their Ocean Beach yard has been remodeled and lined with insulation board and the plant has been given a new coat of paint. They have also painted the office at their Coronado yard. Ed Culnan, manager of the \Mestern Lumber Company, reports that business at all their yards has shown improvement.

In addition to the Western Lumber Company and their branch yards, the Sullivan Hardwood Co. is under the same ownership and they do a wholesale and jobbing business in hardwoods, panels, insulation boards and paints. Jerry Sullivan, Jr., is president of both companies and manager of the Sullivan Hardwood Co.


E. B. Harris, E. B. back at his ,desk after to Alaska.


Harris Lumber Co., Inglewood, is spending about a month on a trip

THE TIME AND MONEY SAVING ADVANTAGE OF OUR (ONE STOP SERVICE" for Full Mill Bids. Detail and Made to Order Millwork, and Our Immediate Service on Rough Lumber, Shingles, Lath,'(Jppers, Stock Sash, Doors, Trim, rVallboard, Panels, Built.in-Fixtures and Casework.

San Diego Lumbermen Hold Golf Tournament

The San Diego lumbermen staged an enjoyable party at the La Mesa Country Club, La Mesa, on Saturday, July 20. A golf tournament was held in the afternoon with twentytwo golfers teeing off. A buffet supper was served in the Club House at 6:00 p.m. with a large gathering on hand, many lumbermen who did not play golf in the afternoon coming out for the evening festivities. There was a short prog'ram with Bill Cowling of the Dixie Lumber & Supply Co. acting as master of ceremonies. Ray Julien of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, discussed the lumber strike situation in the Northwest, and short talks were also made by Robt. Forgie, Santa Fe Lumber Co., Los Angeles, and Ed Martin, "The California Lumber Merchant," Los Angeles.

Ed Culnan, Western Lumber Co., then announced the winners of the various events in the golf tournament. E. E. McCormick, McCormick Bros., was the winner of the low gross prize with a score of 75. The low net prize was won by W. G. Halbritter of the San Diego County Garage. The blind bogey prize was won by Dr. H. P. Foley of San Diego. Prizes for the other events were awarded to Frank Nolan, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Frank Park, Park Lumber Co., Robt. Forgie and Ed Martin.

In the evening, some old fashioned games under the direction of Frank Park attracted a large crowd. Larry Iannus, accordian player, gave several pleasing numbers and also acted as accompaniest to a large group who enjoyed themselveS singing some of the old and new songs.

The following took part in the golf tournament: Frank Park; R. H. Garland, Burney and Barney; Cy Irving, Western Lumber Co.; Noel Bridge, Noel Bridge Co.; R. W. Reid, San Diego Lumber Co.; Gene Zeiss, San Diego Building Supply Co.; Felix Gutshall, San Diego Building Supply Co.; C. C. Yelvington, Yelvington Mfg. Co.; Dr. H. P. Foley; Frank Nolan; L.R.Allen, Dixie Lumber & Supply Co.; Ned E. Randall, Wilson F. Clark Co.; L. H. Cutting, U. S. Navy; W. G. Halbritter; M. L. Baker, Miller & McDermott; E. E. McCormick; Geo. Klicka, Klicka Lumber Co.; Ed. Culnan; Robt. Forgie; H. E. Whittemore, Benson Lumber Co.; P. S. Johnson, Benson Lumber Co. and'Ed Martin.

Ed Culnan was in charge of the arrangements for the golf tournament. The following committee looked after the publicity and attendance: Bill Cowling, chairman; Bob Reid, John Lupton, M. L. Baker and H. E. Whittemore.

Exhlbits at San Diego Fair

Among the interesting displays in the Redwood Empire Association exhibit in the State Building at the California Pacific International Exposition at San Diego is a se'ction of a Redwood tree 1100 years old and a Redwood board 7'x6' and 12' long. Both came from the Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co. operations at Eureka and were loaned to the Association by the San Diego Lumber Co. of San Diego.

Reprinted from The Hourton Prer, Hourton, Texar-July ll, 1935

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