4 minute read
San Francirco Office: Merchantr Exchance Bldq.
S. M. Hauptman, Gcn. Mgr., Phone Sutter 6l2b
_Lor Angeler Officc: Pctroleun Securitico Bldg.
Clint Leughlin, Dirtrict Menr3cr - Phoac pRorpict 2?03
W. R. Chrnbarlh & Go, ..................,,...,Su Fnachco rnd Lot Anroto
Dorovan Lunbcr Co. ..........9ra fnid .o ;d il ffi;;
Emtcm & Wcrtcn Lmbcr Co...................,..po*i""d ;"d S; F;;;:i,;
Janer L. Hall ...,....S;;F;;;;i;
J,. C. Harnilto Bq ll Lunbcr Gc .............,.......:..........SciF;ic-t;
4ernmond Lumbcr Co. ........Sar i;j;;i;-;;d il i;fi;
Joins Staff of Paramino Lumber Co, F. "Tom"
Tomlinson resigned his po,sition with the Donovan Lumber Co. of San Fran,cis,co, and became associated with the P.'aramino Lumber Co., San Francisco as salesman on July 15.
He will cover the Central Valley territory and the San Francisco Bay area, handling both rail and cargo shipments.
"Tom" formerly traveled in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys for many years, and is now renewing many of his old acquaintan.ces.
Dan Strite Joins Hammond & Little River Redwood Co. L. A. Sales Force
Dan Strite has joined the Los Angeles sales stafi of the Hammond & Little River Redwood Co. and will call on the retail lumber trade in San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange, San Diego and parts of Los Angeles counties. He was formerly with the Hammond Lumber Company at Los Angeles where he handled th€ industrial and all rail shipments in their wholesale lumber department. Before coming to Los Angeles, he was with the Hammond Tillamook Lumber Co. at Garibaldi, Ore.
Lloyd Cole, Southern California representative for the Hammond & Little River Redwood Co., will continue to call on the lumber trade in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.
f, R.-_firn-lf7 co-. ...,.............................s- F;;;i;;;e r.i i;i;i;
Hrrt-Wood Lubor Co .........Su p.inif-j-
A. B. Johnron Lmbcr Co.
Alvln N...tafrrygr .:...-............. ................S; F;;;b.o
D|rcuontld C Hffiiltton .....Sen Fnncl3co and La Anfctcr
A. F. lr.hpf Lunbcr Go. ......smrniiiii
Cbu. R. Mc€omrick Lunbar co. ...............Sm rriiiiiii-lia Iri A-;fi;
W. J. Mullljan & Co. ...........................S.1 Fr*il"r" ana La.liiciii
!!tSC:"q,:[- Supply _Co. ........Su inncirco;;d L;; -dil;i;
Cbertc NcrrG co. : : -su};;;t; ;;i ffi fii;i; lrnnlno Lubcr Cn ..........Srn f"riEfr- lr-nrq Fc Lrmbc Co :.. :...:...............s1i iiii.r.c" i"J ld ;;;
Schrfcr Bu. Lumbcr li Shinrlc Co ..:::.4; Fri.L.o ud Lc lii"ii.
Sud&n & Chrlrtcm .....;..............,.....Su Fmctro ;i il rfiA;
Trcwcr Lumbcr Co.
R. O. Wlhon & Sm ..,...... S;F;;'"G
.,K. Wood Lumbs Cq .....sriit'r:.icir6-;rr--ififi;
Hlll &--Morton, Ilg ..-........ .......O14ua
Pynmld_Lumber Sals C.o. .....,......Oak1and
Broob hnb.r Co, ..f- e"rai
Help Wanted
Progressive, Well-Financed Concern, located within 100 miles of Los Angeles desires the services of an Outside Salesman. Must be married. Between the ages of 30 and 40 years; have exceptional aggressiveness and outstanding personality; thoroughly experienced in all phases of the Retail Lumber and Building Material Business. This position offers an exceptional opportunity for the future. State fully, your qualifications, positions held, period served, and by whom employed during the past 10 years. Address Box C-562. care California Lumber Merchant.
Management of Retail Yard wanted by experienced lumberrnan. Ag" 38, married. Fourteen years experience, eleven as manager. Understand bookkeeping and office details. With same firm seven years. Best of references. Address Box C-561. California Lumber Merchant.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Canady, whose wedding took place in Reno, Nevada, on July 15, have returned from their wedding trip at Lake Tahoe and will make their home in Glendale. Mrs. Canady was formerly Miss Edith Stickles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Frank Stickles of Glendale.
Mr. Canady is connected with the lumber department of the Chas. R. IVlcCormi,ck Lumber Co. in their Los Angeles office.
Spends Vacation In Southland And High Sierra
L. A. Godard, Hobbs Wall & Co., San Francisco, was vacationing the last two weeks in July. He stopped at Los Angeles a few days and then left for the High Sierra to spend the balance of his vacation. He will be back on his territory around August 1.
A. R. "Art" lVIartin, Hales & Symons, Sonora, is leaving in a few days to attend the National Boy Scout Encampment in Washington, D. C. He will be gone about three weeks.
Visits Los Angeles
Charles Osbeck, Osbeck Lumber Co., Encinitas, was a Los Angeles visitor on July 19.
Spends Vacation In Southland
Horace Corbett, Lafayette Lumber Co., Lafayette, his vacation in Southern California where he visited of the scenic spots of the Southland and also'called lumbermen friends in the Los Angeles district.
Good Opportunity For Sawmill Operation
Wants sawmill operator to put up mill near Placerville, California, to cut stand of Pine timber. 60,000,000 feet of Pine timber available. Good. opportunity for small sawmill operation. Address Box C-559, care California Lumber Merchant.
Retail Lumber Yardis For Sale
We can ofier some attractive buys in retail lumber yar'ds in Southern California. Twohy Lumber Co', Lumber Yard Brokers, 549 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los AngelesTelephone PRospect 8746.
Experienced Lumberman Wants Position
Lumberman with successful softwood and hardwood sales record, also experienced as executive and in all lumber office details, wants position. Will go anywhereWill appreciate an interview. Address Box C-564, care California Lumber Merchant.
Giant Log Raft Arriveg at Benson Plant
A giant log raft, over 90O feet long and containing approximately 6,000,000 board feet of lumber recently arrived at the Benson Lumber Company plant at San Diego. The logs came from the company's timber holdings in Oregon and were assembled at Wallace's slew near Astoria.
The raft was towed by the tug, Roosevelt, whose home port is Puget Sound and is the same boat that helped Admiral Perry dis,cover the North Pole back in 1909. The Benson Lumber Company operate the only sawmill in Southern California. In addition to rough and finished lumber, millwork and poles, they also handle hardrvood flooring, building materials and fuel wood.
California Yard News
The Sunkist Lumber Co., Monrovia, has purchased the Perris Lumber Co. at Perris.
The Patten-Blinn Lumber Co. has bought the property' plant, stock and equipment of the Smith Lumber Co. at Anaheim. The yard they have been operating there will be discontinued and they will move the buildings to their new location where they plan to have an attractive and modern plant. H. H. Merrill is manager of their Anaheim yard.
William Groundwater has purchased the Hammond Lumber Co. vard at Newhall.
Return From Northwest
Harry Easom, San Francisco lumber broker, has returned spent from a two-weeks' business and va'cation trip. Accompanied some by Mrs. Easom he visited Portland, Seattle, Grays llarbor, on his Everett and other points and made a side trip to Mount Rainier.