2 minute read
JackDiorne, futtdt*
Inorpontcd un&r th. hwr ol Gellfmlr
J. C. Dlonc, Pror ud Tran; J. E. Mrrlfu, Vicc-Pnr.; M. AdrD!,9cntary PuUirhcd thr trt erd fith of .r.[ noth at trt-rt-t Ccntnl Bulldh3, lOt W€t Sbrrh Strcct, Lc Anfclcr, Cal., Tolcphonc VAndLc 4$15 Eilcrcd u Srdd-cL!. Drtt r S.ptlnb.t A, lr?',, et tto Pct Offlcc et Lor Angclee, Calliomla, rmdcr Act ol M!rct I lfrt.
Subrcriptioa Pricc, $2.lXl pcr Ycer Singlc Copicr, 25 ccntr crch. LOS
How Lumber Looks
The National Lumber Manufacture$ Association rePorted a total lumber ptoduction of, 2451169,@0 fer,t at 556 mills during the week ended July lE, compared with production ol 2t7r787rO00 feet ^t 575 mills the preceding week. Shipments totaled 222,EOE,000 feet compared, to 21117971000 feet the prcvious week, while orders wete 2211431.000 fea compared to 2131485r Ofi) feet the week before.
2OO down and operating mills in Washington and Oregon which reported to the lVest Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended July lE produced 10416671496 [.eet. The industty produced 67.7 pet cent of its average weekly cut during 1926-1929. New business reported by these 200 mills was 103,. 409,097 feet, and shipments wete lO41249160O feet. The unfilled order file at these mills stood at r52,l78rr59 feet.
The Association reported that for the past several weeks production and orders have been substantially in balance. The domestic cargo market continues to supply the largest volume of orders, with rail clooe behind. Following the Fourth of July shutdown period, during which the characteristic sharp decrease in production and orders occurred, output and new business swung lack clooe to the level that prevailed during the latter pat of June. _There are no changes in the market picture, though, that refect a trend.
The lVestern Pine Association for the week ended July 18, 115 mills reporting, gave orders as 621252r00/J feet, ahipments 64,364,000 feet, and production 76149510@ f,eet Orders were 18.6 per cent below production, and t.2 per cent below shipments. Shipments were 15.8 1rer cent below production. U;- filled orderc on hand at the end of the week totaled 219,319,ooo feet' fhere is a good demand for No. 2 and No.-j common, shop and uppers in Ponderos. Pilr" and prices are firm. Sugar pine prices are very firm. Stocks at the pine mills are low.
No, this is not an Eartride New York purh cart vendor, but a HARDWOOD HEADQUAR. TERS Yard Clerk with ceveraI pieces of Hardwood go. ing out to 6ll a rush order.
The California Redwood Association for the week ended Juty 11 reported production from 13 mills as 61955,000 feet, shipments 716821000 feet, and new business 9,4001000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of t{re week were 4218101000 feet.
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended July 18, 115 mills reporting, gave ordets as 301320,000 feet, shipments 301162,000 feet, ind production 321177,000 f.eet. Orders were 5.77 pet cent below production, and 0.52 per cent above shipments. Shipmerrts were 6.26 per cent below production. Orders on hand at the end of the week at these mills totaled 6210241000 feet, equivalent to 2854 carc.
Building operations in California continue active and the re. tail dealers rqrort a good volume of business.
Cargo arrivals at Los Angeles harbor for the week ended luly 25 totaled ltrOT5,OOO felt which included t2,25t,OOO feet of Fir and E22,000 feet of Redwood. Building permits in Log fngeles for the first twenty.three days of July amounted to f4,4051802.
The Redwood mills are endeavoring to round out tfieir stocks in order to serve the demand satisfaitorily, and the market is firm. The Fir market is reported a little stronger.
HIGH GRADE HARDWOO_DLDmerdc woodr: Arh, Bech, Birch. Gm. Ei9lg1lr_-M:Slolien Mapla, O:!,- Poptar, Wqtot, Ork' ;d -Irid;-Ft-td: FORFIGI WOOpS: ACtoil8, Bakq Spanirh Ccaer, ebily, Sp"tt i -C"-.-i#_ brr*, Jcnieto, Lignu Vitm, Mahoguy, Primrvm, Rewood. Siam ieak. Abo DOUGT-AS FIR PLYWOOD AND WALLBOARD ln an insulalion sales prograrn