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lVhether it is Pine, Ffo, or Red Cedar Products of any sort, we offer you Santa Fe Service of t'he most prompt and P€r' sonal character. Our standards of quality have been known to the Cali' fornia trade for a generation.
Wolmanized Lumber
at any headlong pace and still have the consumption of the present take care of same. It won't.
Tremendous purchases ", *"*" on the stock exchange lately, and the rapid advance in the value of many stocks, is based on the fact that so many people have money they don't know what to do with, and they are investing in stocks. A diversion of a lot of that money into building activities would be a whole lot healthier sign. *,t* rl:l*
During the past thirteen years, while the population of this country has been increasing the seventeen million souls estimated, no building has been done to taLe care of the housing of them and their possessions. It is doubtful if the construction accomplished during those years will take care of wear and tear on buildings existing in 1923. We have simply crowded in the extra seventeen million people. Some of these days we must properly house them.
To recapitulate our position, we have done since 1923, far less than the normal construction that would be necessary for the population existing at that time, and making no allowance whatever for our population increase. So the NEED for buildings must be far greater now than ever before in our history. The NEED is here. The materials are available. The country is full of money seeking safe harbor.
The present slow rate of improvement is due for a rapid rate of acceleration. But it isn't here yet. The building industry has a boom coming. But it is not yet in sight. Every man in the industry can help develop it by forceful and intelligent SF LLING.
The Good Book says "The God of heaven He will prosper us, and we His children will arise and build." But remember ! It says "Arise."
Western Retailers to Hold Summer Meeting S, F. Firm Increas€3 Sales Force
The Western Retail Lumbermen's Association will hold a summer convention at Port Angeles, 'Wash., on July 31, August I and 2. The general headquarters will be in the beautiful quarter-million dollar club rooms of Naval Lodge, Elks Club. A business session will be held the afternoon of July 31 ; this session will be open to everyone. In the evening there will be a banquet and dancing.
Saturday, August 1, a caravan will be formed for a drive to Hurricane Ridge, one of the most unique drives in the country, as most of the road is along the extreme ridge of the Olympic Mountains and reaches a maximum elevation of seven thousand feet. Lunch will be served at the Olympic Hot Springs, and in the evening an informal dinner dance will be held at the Lake Crescent Tavern.
Activity for Sunday, August 2, will be at everyone's option. In addition to the many wonderful drives and recreational facilities provided by numerous resorts throughout the Olympic Peninsula, many of the delegates will enjoy the thrill of thrills, salmon fishing.
Fred W. Epperson, Epperson & Sons, Inc., Port Angeles, Wash., is local chairman in charge of the convention arrangements.
Art Matthews is now representing MacDonald & Harrington, San Francisco, in the San Joaquin Valley, with headquarters in Fresno.
Mr. Matthews was formerly with the Feather River Lumber Co., and the Sugar Pine Lumber Co., and has a large acquaintance w:th Northern California retail lumbermen.
Arthur Koehlcr to Speak in S. F.
Arthur Koehler, chief of the Wood Identification Section of the U. S. Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis.. will be guest speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the San Francisco Lumbermen's Club, to be held at the San Francisco Commerc;al Club on Wednesday, August 5, at 12 noon.
Mr. Koehler's subject will be "Lumber's Testimony in the Lindbergh Case." He will give an interesting and instructive explanation of his testimony, illustrating hrs talk with slides.
All lumbermen and their friends are welcome to attend.