1 minute read
Now you can ofrer insulation to your customers on a baeis never before available to thern . a basis that instantly. appeale to the prospectt convincing hirn that it is to his interest to buy insulation at o.n'ce-a;nd frorn YOU. The Balsarn-Wool Money-Back Guaranteel ehown at the right, makes this possible.
Stop a mornent and read this guarantee. The plaint clear staternent means exactly what it says. ONLY an insulation of provedo established rnerit could be backed by such a guarantee.
What can this guarantee do for YOU?
First of aII, it enables you to deoelop a trentendous ntarket-insulating the attics of hotnes already built. Tfroueands of hornes are being rnodernized today. Thousands of horne owners are thinking now about the surnmer cornfort and savings on next winterts fuel bills-that insulation can give thern.
Second., the Balsant,-Wool Guaranttee speeds up insula' tion sales. It enables you to get action-to close the eale prornptly-because it makes it easy for the prospect to decide.
Third, the Balsarn-Vool Guarantee lifts you abooe cornpetitian-puts you ahead in getting the business. Arrned with this guaranteer you can overcolne every clairn that other lnsulations rnake.
Once again Balsam-Wool-rnade by lurnberrnen, sold through lurnber dealers-points the way to greater insulation eales and profits. Cash in on the business opened up by the Balsam-Wool Money-Back Gtrarantee. Write rre for complete detailst