2 minute read


By Jack Dionne

not guarantecd---Some I have told

STORIES ,D for 20 years---Some ler

D Ag" No Use \(/aiting That Long

The penniless young artist was having a very, very stormy session with his landlord, who insisted that the much overdue rent on the attic studio be paid at once-or else. The young artist decided to try dramatics on his stubborn host.

"Ten years from now," he cried, "people will look up at


Ben C. Varner, Varner Bros., Dallas, Texas, has been spending some time on the Pacific Coast calling on his firm's mill connections in Californla, Washington, Oregon and British Columbia.

Mr. Varner with his son, Clayburn, flew from Dallas to San Francisco, where they visited the head office of the Union Lumber Company, for which Varner Bros. are North Texas representatives. They spent two days at the lJnion Lumber Company's big Redwood plant at Fort Bragg, and'then traveled to the Northwest.

Recovers From Illness

G. E. Manspeaker, Manspeaker Lumber Co., Los Angeles, was back at his desk on luly 17 after an absence of two months from the office due to illness. He spent the last three weeks of his convalescence at Arrowhead and returned in good shape.

Return From Vacation Tour

Don M. Oder, Southern California representative of Aberdeen Plywood Co., and Mrs. Oder returned recently from a vacation trip to Washington, Oregon and British Columbia. They traveled north by boat, shipping their car, and drove back to Los Angeles.

this miserable hovel that you rent me for a studio, and exclaim-'Francine the artist used to work up there."'

"What do you mean ten years from now?" demanded the heartless landlord. "They can say it tomorrow."

New Yard At San Rafael

Harry Easom, San Francisco wholesale lumberman, with D. J. MacCormack and A. H. Tucker as his associates, will open a lumber yard in San Rafael August 1. The business will be operated as the MacCormack-Tucker Lumber Co. The new concern has leased part of the Cheda Companyls site, which has rail and water transportation facilities. Both Mr. MacCormack and Mr. Tucker were formerly with the Great Western Building Material Co., San Francisco.

California Visitor

Carl W. Hornibrook, sales manager, Ewauna Box Company, Klamath Falls, Ore., was a recent visitor at the office of E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, their Southern California representative, where he conferred with George E. Geary, in charge of their Ponderosa and Sugar Pine department. Following his visit in the Southland, Mr. Hornibrook left for San Francisco to attend the semi-annual meeting of the Western Pine Association on July ?3,

Will Move To New Location

Home Lumber Company, Chula Vista, will move to a new location just across the street from its present site, where a larger and attractive plant will be erected. T. J. Butcher is the owner and manager of the company.

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