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are generally first sold on PAUL BUi{YAN'S 100 PER CENT CORES because their light weight saves freight. With use their superior strength and freedom from distortion is apparent.
There are few "comebacks" where PAUL BUNYAN'S 100 PERCENT DOORS and DOOR CORES are used. Thie is of vital importance to the Manufacturer, Builder and Dealer.
We rnake and sell complete doors and. inteilocked, core stocks.
Lumber Dealer Gets Good Write-up In Local Paper
It's always a good thing for a lumber dealer to so operate and live that he shall be highly esteemed and well spoken of in his own home torvn. This is evidently the case with George A. Good, of Tracy, California, President SAN DIEGO of the Good Lumber Company which operates yards in

Inaugurates Interesting Contest
ITracy and Byron. A recent issue of The Byron Times, The Lumbermen's Service Bureau, of San Diego, has that very famous and very citified country. newspaper been_conducting a very interesting contest for the past issued at Byron contained a very glowing write-up of Mr. lo1th among.the employes.of .its.members, the.idea being 5 -'---- -r -_ ---_' Good and his business and business methods. and amonpr ,totevelop.information that will be useful to all. or rorows r other things, spoke of him as follows:
"At all times Mr. Good is alert as to how he best can I ing question:
"At all times Mr. Good is alerf es fo hnrrr hc hcqf .r. I ,-- help the com,munities he serves in their upbuilding pro- "Why is it more beneficial to the contractor or buyer for grams. He always is among the first to sponsor any move- lumber and building materials to be sold on a one-price ment designed to further the progress of the great West plan?" Side country, w-hether it is something affecting his particu- First prize is $25; secon-d prize $15; third and fourth lar line of business or not. He is a firm believer in the glir_:: $10 each. open to all employes of members of the creed that if one works earnestly for the good of a com- TL^ ^ The contest closed Jrrly 31st. The priizes will be awarded munity as a whole, in time it is bound to reciprocate. He r'e c.,rrlssl cruscuJury ' has dlne his frrll .shere ^f nnmmrrnirrr r"rnrL nnr ihrao soon at a special dinner giiven for that purpose. has done his full share of community work.- For three terms he served as President of the Tracy Chamber of Commerce, and his tenure of office still is spoken of often as a period during which big things were aciomplished for that city and the surrounding territory. He has also served as President of the San Joaquin County Associated Chamber of Commerce. Tracy owes much to George Good, for he has given unselfishly of his time to advanle its interests."
There isn't much the editor could have said to improve on that fine description. The lumber,business profits largely by such men as George Good.
Myron Woodard Of Oregon Visits California
Myron Woodard, of Portland, Oregon, one of the best known manufacturers of Fir in the Pacific Northwest, has been in California of late attending the Bohemian Club Grove outing in Northern California, and also visiting in San Francisco. Mr. Woodard is manager of the Westport Lumber Company, tl-re Western Lumber Company, and the Silver Falls Timber Company.
National Park Resorts Use Fitite Colonial Shakes
The Union Pacific Railroad Company recently ur6d for;t carloads of one-inch Fitite Colonial Shakes on their resort hotel at Bright Angel Point in the Grand Canyon. A carload of one-inch Fitite Shakes was used on the new bungalows built this year at Yosemite National Park, and another carload was used on the Feather River Inn at Blairsten.
Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, are Northern California distributors for these famous shakes, which are in great demand for achieving artistic effects both on roofs and sidewalls.
P. C. "Peter" McNevin, of San Francisco, Director of Sales for The Pacific Lumber Company, great Redwood manufacturing concern, was a recent visitor in Los Angeles. He was accompanied by his wife and daughter and spent a week at the Casa Del Mar Club at Santa Monica.