1 minute read
W. B. Dean, General Manager of The Diamond Match Company, and W. B. Dickenson, Manager of the Apiary Sales Department of the s_ame concern, both of Chico, California, where the Diamond Match'Company has its headquarters, came to Los Angeles recently to look into the possibilities of a Southern California warehouse and sales branch for their Apiary Department.
The prospect looked so good that Mr. Dean authorizes the announcement that they have made all arrangements for opening such a branch, and will have it ready for business by October l, 1928. They leased a desirable piece of ground at 1797 Pasadena avenue, on lJnion Pacific rails, and will immediately begin the erection of their warehouse, which will be ready by the date stated. Mr. W. B. Dickenson will take personal charge of the Los Angeles department and move his honre to this city, leaving his son, Roland V. Dickenson, as manager at Chico.
New Booklet On Interior Finish
lMe have just received a splendid new booklet on Interior paneling from Mr. M. S. Munson, Advertising Manager of The Exchange Sawmills Sales Company, Kansas City. This booklet is made to fit the standard file and carries AIA file No. 19422. It contains 16 pages and cover and is attractively illustrated with examples of interiors done irr Knotty pine. It also shows illustrations of the common grades of Cal. Pine and quotes the grading rules for each. The technical information which it contains together with the beautiful illustrations of interior paneling will make it a most welcome addition to your files. A free copy may be obtained by addressing The Exchange Sawmills Sales Company, 10th Street & Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Mo.
There Is A Reason
Why the largeet mills are installing our IMPROVED AIR COOLED REFUSE BURNERS.
The Diamond Match Company has for many years operated a wonderful factory for the manufacture of bee hives and apiary supplies at Chico. The hives are all made of Sugar Pine, which material is said to be better suited than any other wood to this use. The Los Angeles plant will not be a factory, but a distributing station. The bee hives and other accessories rvill be manufactured in the big Chico plant and shipped to Los Angeles for distribution.
It is interesting to note that the Los Angeles warehouse will be located right next door to the plant of the Southwest Honey Producers' Syndicate, Inc., where a new and modern honey packing plant has been built and placed in operatron.