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Douglas Fir EiHitfr Doors
Ponland,ore carted by disrtbators in an seaiont of tbc mntry rc,'

Treat your iob as a tonic-not an anesthetic.
Exchange Sawmills Offers Dealers Practical Sales Campaign on Ho$ Houses
With a very keen advertising department o-n the-jqb, The Exchange Sawmills Company-, of Kansas City, lVlissouri, manufadturers of lumber in the West and South, is getting out some trade promotion stuff for their dealer friends to use, that looks both interesting and practical.

During the last few years individual manufacturers have been trying hard to devise schemes for helping their dealer friends actually create business, and this concern seems to be on the right track.
Right now they have a very simple campaign hot ofi the bat and ready for dealer use, that looks very good. It not only should sell plenty of hog houses in agricultural districts, but should act as an opening wedge for the dealer to get more business by demonstrating his usefulness to his Irade. The hog house campaign is outlined and contained in a neat fol.dei sent out hy the Exchange Sawmills advertising department. It is simple, easily understood, and easily attempted. The folder shows briefly and directly what to do.
The Exchange Sawmills Company have prepared all the ammunition, ready for use. The dealer writes for the ammunition, and is told and shown exactly how to use it. They furnish him blue prints of three types of hog houses, 'with plans for selling them either of three ways' Ready Built,-Ready-Cut, or Ready-To-Cut.
The dealer has a carpenter build each of the hog houses, paint them, and display them in his yard. Then he has the iarpenter cut up a set of parts for three !_rore hog houses, maik them plainly, and tie them in bundles. This is the Ready-Cut. - The completed house first built is the Ready Built. Then the dealer still has the other way he can sell them, the Ready-To-Cut, namely, the lumber to build them from, and a stt of blue prints for the buyer to use if he wants to do his own cutting and building. He gets either hog house either of the three ways.
Then the dealer takes the material bills and figures what the stock costs, and determines his asking price on the Ready Built, and on the Ready-Cut, as well as on the regular lengths.
Exchange Sawmills also furnishes the dealer with an attractive circular with his name printed on the front of it, that goes with a good sales letter to a selected list of farm prospects, advising them of these hog houses, and the three ways they can be had. The folder shows the actual houses. The campaign manager then says: "Do a little personal advertising of this new plan, put a little enthusiasm and ingenuity behina the idea, and make an honest-to-goodness test for results. The plan is worth trying.
It looks splendid. bther things coulcl- certainly be sold the same way.
112 Market SL San Francirco
Tclcphonc Suttcr 71199
Dougler Fir - Spnrcc Rcdrood
Rcdwood end Cedar Shinglcr
Fir Pilin3 - Ccder Portr
Split Rcdwood Productr
Ascntr: i,inkt-&}ff* -
Air and Kiln Dried Bevel Siding, Finish and Mouldinge
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