4 minute read
Electric Hand Saw
The saw you tal(e to the lumber instead of the lumber to the saw.
Built in sizes for all classes of work where a portable hand saw can be used.
Operates from ordinary light socket. Veight 1O to 26 lbs.
The 10Jb. saw ideal for cutting veneer.
\Vhy not investigate the many places you crn use a SKILSAV/ in your business?
Syntron motodess electrio harnrners for con. crete drilling and .hrppitg. For erecting machin. ery and remodeling jobs.
Electric Drills . Atl Sizes
Tools Sold - Rented - Repaired
308 East Third Street - Los Angeles
MU$al 750s
Inrestigate mechuical pillng. Don't ey it dcsn't fit your mditime, util you get the factg. Many of our entbusistic u*rs said tlat before they inveatigated.
Several hundred now in we, muy in the Sdth where labor is cheap.
Hilke Piler
(Patented U. S. and Canada)
Operates with gas or el:ctricity. Equipped with car wheels or truck wheels. Automatic jack'knife unloading arms antl roller-drive-chain are exclusive features.
Let ur *nd you literature tbat will show you how will sve fq you.
MURRY JAC()BS C(}. Distribrtcs
69 Colurnbia .St. - Seattle
WE ARE ABLE to care for your requhementg for air cooled and brick lined refuse burnersnew and uged boilerr of all sizes and typer.
Seattle Boiler Works
Scattle, Warh.
Lc Angclec Sm Franclsco New Orleu
Mfd. bv Johnsr Mfg. Co Sottle, Wub.
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't'Wants" is fon The Fellow'Who Wante to Buy The Fellow Who Wanti to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Ratet E2.s0 per coturnn dncf, The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hifed
Lumber Yard and complete hardware store. New upto-date lumber yard and a number of exclusive old-time agencies. Reason for selling is that in six years' time we have ac.cumulated enough to retire on. Best chance in the state for a live man. Situated on main highway in a live town.. Address Box C-l12, care Calif. Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yard Wanted
Wanted-To buy a small size lumber yard in or around Los Angeles. Must be good location and a going business. A. Ingvoldstad, 533 North Edinburg Ave., Los Angeles. Phone WHitney 69,1O.
Monolith New Plant Nearly Ready For Active Production
Active production will soon be inaugurated at the new $2,000,000-cement plant of the Monolith Portland Midwest Cornpany in Laramie, Wyoming, according to Harry C. Gardner, assistant secretary and director of sales in the department of securities and investrnents, who has just returned from an extensive inspection trip'of the new properties.
"Few industrial concerns ever began their active careers with greater assurance of success and with stronger safeguards than surround the issue of eight per cent preferred itock, now being offered by this company," said Mr. Gardner.
"Our new plant is located on an immense deposit covering 2950 aires, declared to be one of the few natural
Lumber Salesman Wants Position
Lumber 'salesman w,ith experience in California, the Southwest and Middle West wants position as salesman representing wholesaler or mill. Will consider in either of these territories. Knows the manufacturing and selling ends of the industry and formerly represented large manufacturer for several years. Can give good refeences. Address Box C-n6. care California Lumber Merchant.
WANTED the widespread goodwill which has been built up over a period of years by the original organization.
Partner with $15,000 to $20,00G-Lumber yard-good location, San Joaquin Valley. Address Box C-N9, care of 'iCalifornia Lumber Merchant."
"fts financial structure presents a new departure in the customer-ownership plan. Each stockholder is given the opportunity of retaining a permanent holding in the company if he so elects, besides receiving the regular benefits and returns that go with a substantial investment in a going concern, well and pro,fitably operated."
Maple Creek Lumber Company lost their sawmill, near White Salmon, Wash., by fire, July 27. Loss was estimated at $50,000. The fire also destroyed 200,000 feet of lumber, logs and other buildings.
cement 'mixers' in the country. This means that it commands an unlimited supply 9f raw- material in -which are / Among those who sailed recently on the S.S. President combined all the essential ingredients for a high-grade lTatt on the Shriners'tour of the Oiient were Mr. and Mrs. cement. This deposit is close-to_the Wyoming coal field.s,{ f-erry W-hiting, Whiting-Mead Lumber Co., Los Angeles; insuring_extremely_che-ap fuel. -It is served_by the main Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Thompson, San Francisco, ani Mr. line of the Union Pacific, affording reasonable transporta- and Mrs. Henry Bode, Spring Valley Lum6er Yard, San tion costs. Electric power is also available at low rates, Francisco.
and right at hand is the bfeat market of the lntermountain States and the Midwest where ntlmerous highrvay, reclamation and general construction projects of vast proportions and involving large expenditures are being launched.
"Viewed through the eyes of even the most conservative investor, this company has been started with every factor of success in its favor. In the first place, while it is a separate, corporation, it is allied in the closet possible manner with the Monolith Portland Cement Company, a concern already well-established and prosperous.- Ii is under the same management, and can therefore profit to the fullest extent by the experience, ability and prestige of the elder company.
"Monolith Midwest will manufacture the same unique and superior products already well-known and widely d-istributed on the c,oast under the name 'Monolith Plastic Waterproof Portland Cement'and 'Monolith Regular Portland'Cement'. Its sales and advertising organizations are identical, given the new company the full benefit of all
HooHoo News
The newest Hoo-Hoo Club in the United States was created on July 2lst at Lubbock, Texas, Seventeen kittens being initiated at the Con-Cat that started the hew Club. Walter Alderson was elected first President.
San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club Meets August 23
Oscar Johnson, secretary of the San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club, announces that the first luncheon meeting of the club following the vacation season will be held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, August 23.