2 minute read
Larrick and His "Timber Tim" / Stores
Down at Solano Beach lives and operates a lumber merchant by the name 'of H. G. Larrick. And when wg sfY "lumbei merchant" we mean that in every sense of the word. For Larrick is one of those men who realizes and appreciates the fact that the world IS moving very rapidly, tfiit a business man has to keep right on progressing or become himself 'an obstacle in the path of progress, and he does business accordingly.
Mr. Larrick operates The Lumber & Builders Supply Company, with stores at Solano Beach, Del Mar, and Fncinitis. -That is. he is the official and financial head of that concern. What he really operates is the "Timber Tim" building stores at those three points. For, a short time ago he'announced to the trade of his fast growing and lovely territorv on the beautiful Pacific shores in Southern California, lh"t i.t the future his places of business would cease to be The Lumber & Builders Company lumber yards, and would automatically become the "Timber Tim" Stores.
In making that announcement through his own very re- markable little newspaper, the "Sunkist Splinter," Mr. Larrick said:
"Timber Tim will become a real live personality and mean something definite in the lives of his customers, for he will WARRANT all the high grade merchandise sold in the future in his stores. If you will examine Webster you will find that WARRANTED means to assure a thing sold to the purchaser. That is, to insure that the thing is what it is represented to be. This implies a covenant to make good on defects. Folks, this is nothing more or less than we have been doing, but henceforth we will emphasize that fact by branding all our high grade merchandise with the figure of TIMBER TIM, and the words 'Warranted Merchandise.' These three TIMBER TIM STORES will serve the people of the San Dieguito and Broadway of the Facific districts with a coinplete home builders stock of building materials, lumber, cement, hardware, paint, rolled roofing, plaster, lath, shingles, brick, hollow tile, sash, and doors."
Then follorvs a list of what the three stores carry.
You should really see this monthly newspaper, The Sunkist Splinter. There isn't a more beautiful or more practical house organ issued anywhere by anybody of any size, than this delightfully prepared and printed magazine that Mr. Larrick sends to his trade in the three town territory once each month. Eight of the twelve pages is a sepia colored Rotagravure section, showing beautiful homes and home building plans. The other four pages are news of the districts. There is a special column, for instance, by the manager of each of the three stores. There is a column by Mr. Larrick himself. These contairt personal news, building news, and just geheral news of interest. Then they have a variety of interesting reading for their customers, crop reports, planting suggestions, building suggestions, and much definite news of the district. Larrick thinks it's a great magazine, He should. It is.