2 minute read
YdP Sash Door and Mill Workers E. A. Nicholson
Here ie a brand new picture of E. A.'Ed" Nicholron, Lor Angelel, that juatifier reproducing. It ir not only a splendid up'to-date photo' graph, but it ir a dietinctive character atudy of a very .trong person' ality.
IVtr. Nicholeon ir well known to the California lumber world ar Precident and General Manager of the Pacific Door & Sath Conpany' one of the biggert millwork inrtitutions of the entire country, and ar a prime moverln the Millwork Institute of California. He ic- organizalion-minded aud accociation-minded ac well. He believel tLet in un' ion there ie etrength, and that in concert of efrort there ic rafety, aan' ity, and progre33.
Read the rigne in hic face. He rtarted burinesr life as a echool teacher, and thire are in hic face the traits of the rcholar, the rtudent, and the teacher, that will alwayr be there, becauce they are fundamental with tbe man. Then he aold lumbcr, and worLed with lumber and milling concern!. He learned the lumber game fro'n the founda' tionc, righi here in California, and all hie activitiee have been here.
The Madera Flume and Trading Company, the Sanger Lumber Conpany,'the San Pedro Lumber Company, and thcn thc Wertern Dooi & Sash Company' were the etepping rtoner of hie burineer anbitions and career, terminating in the grouping of indurtrier and plantl that made the Pacific Door & Sarh Company, juet three ycar3 ago.
Ed Nicholson is a rnoct ueeful man, both to the world, and to the burineu he follows. He is a deep, thoughtful, practical, and technical rtudent of the millwork bueiners. He ir eeeentially a rnanufactureFa ereaton He believea in the urefulner of the wondcrful thinge that can bc made with wood. He'believer in thc law of progrera-that thc millwork indurtry rnust keep forging ahend, appealing with evcrchangiog aervice and cupply to the ever-changing human clement. And he bJliever that the good men in that induetry murt work togethcr along thoae liner if they are to achieve tucccat.
He is a tireler worker-yet with a world of worL alwaye rpread out bcforc hin. Hie office ie alwayr openr no fine*e ie nceded to aprrroach him, he ie interected ir the other fellow and hil problemr, ir cheerful, genial, kindly, poreering grcat warmth of toul. A ve4r, very worth.whilc Pcrron.
Hoover Indorses Grademarking Of Doors
One of the last official acts of Herbert Hoover as Secre' tary of Commerce was the indorsement of- the grademarking of forest products, particularly with reference to doors. Iria telegram sent to tlie Western Door Manufacturers Association at Tacoma, Wash., he said:
"The Grademarking of lumber and wood products with suitable guarantee makes for more efficient merchandising of benefit to manufacturer, distributor, and especially the consumer. It helps stabilize trade and decreases distribution costs through establishing steady demand and lessening quality complaints".
Empire Planing Mill Slightly Damaged
The Empire Planing Mill, San Francisco, had a close call on the morning of July 31, when the building and co-ntents of the City Bag Co', next door, were destroyed by fire. Damage to the mill building was about $2000, and the mill was shut down for one daY onlY.
Tilden To Have New Warehouse
The Tilden Lumber and Mill Cornpany,.Oakdale, California, are building a new warehouse to replace the old one which was recently destroyed by fire. The new building will be 32x54 feet, constructed entirely of lumber with a fireproof roof.
George B. Bosworth of the Western Sash and Door Company, Los Angeles, is back at his desk after having been in the hospital for six weeks.
Gregg Lumber Company Rebuilds Plainer
The Gregg Lumber Company, Hawthorne, California, have recently installed new machinery and equipment in their planer that has practically rebuilt their mill. A new fast feed sticker, a new band saw, and a complete new blowpipe system are among the improvements.