1 minute read
Another \4byerhaeusertfimmed
squa,re at both sy7fls.-
Packaged and Euawrted
Out of the package on to the job
\I /E caution you against thinking that 4.Square Lumber V Y is ordinary lumber that has been packaged. First of all 4.Square is bettq lumbq. Better because it is prcperly sea. soned and then milled exactly to accepted standard sizes and lengths. Betterbecause it is always uniform in grade" Better because it is smoother and cleaner. It is cut to exoct lengths with ends trimmed perfectly square and smoothsaving the time spent in squaring each piece of ordinary lumber by hand before it can be useil and thus insuring bet, ter construction Then it is shipped in packages with facee and ends thorcughly protected. It is wasteliss lumberready to use just as taken from the 4.Square package The kind of lumber you carr alwavs sell at a profiL