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Douglas Lumber Co. Has Attractive Yard at Phoenix, Arizona
The new yard of the Douglas Lumber Company at Phoenix, Arizona, which was recently constructed is exceedingly attractive in appearance and has attracted the admiration of all visitors. The office building is built of stucco which has been painted pink with light blue trimmings. The high gabled roof is of tile in the variegated colors. The yard which covers over one half of f city block is enclosed on one side with a high board fence with picket tops while in front the fence has neat slats with dove tail tops; the base and posts being built of concrete. The other two sides of the yard are enclosed with lumber sheds that are large and spacious and house the upper grades of stock. The rough lumber and timbers are neatly airang- ed in the center of the yard. A well surfaced driveway circles the entire yard which makes it possible for a truck to drive in through one of the front gates, load and circle the yard and drive out through the other gate without backing to turn around. At the rear of the office buildine is a Mission style 5f1uqfu1s-this is the hardware atrd stock room.
Joe Tardy, General Manager, has adopted a unique business slogan Jor their new yard-"Hot as a Depot Stove for Business." Anyone who is familiar with Arizona where the thermometer often hits 110 degrees in the shade knows lhqt " depot stove is about the hottest thing imaginable. Other slogans printed on the fence are: 'Tarm Trade Solicited," "Where Cash is King," and "'We know our S-hingles." In the accompanying- photograph, you notice the small houses on the tops of the fence posls. These miniature house are reproductions of house- designs that are _most popular and especially adapted to the locality. IJnder each small house is a slogan such as: "We will not rest until every farmer has a home like this one": "Build a home like this one and she will soon eat chili and call you papita. "Papita" is Spanish for "daddy.,, - Tttg Douglas I umber Company now operates two yards in Arizona';"one is located at Douglas where Joe Tardy was its mdnager for'rirany years before coming to Phoenix to build and operate the Phoenix yard. The officers of the company are: J. B..Herndon, Hollywood, Calif., President, Iom Schofie-ldi'Dougla'd,'Ariz., Vice President, J. W. "Joe" Ta1dy, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager, Phoenix, A:i"gggu" ".i.*.
Joe Tardy, General Manager of the company, has been connected with the lumber business for many years. He has lived in Arizona since 1919 and is one- oi the best known lumbermen in the state. He is a progressive lumber merchant and has always been a strong booster for better homes. He takes an active interest in lumber affairs in the state and is Vice President of the Lumbermen,s Club of Arizona.
Air Travel Is Popular With Northwest Lumbermen
Travel by airplane is becoming popular with Northwest lumbermen, particularly between Portland and Tacoma, and Portland and Seattle, on which runs the West Coast Air Transport Company maintains a twice-a-day service, using palatial Bach Air Yachts which are tri-motored and carry eight passengers, a pilot, and a mechanic who is also a pilot.
- Among those who recently made the trip between portland and Tacoma to attend the monthly luhbermen's sales managers' meetin _ were Coleman H. Wheeler, Jr., presi- dent of the Eagle Lumber Co., Portland, R. A. Steve-nson,. sales manager of-the E-agle l.umber Co., Charles E. Miller, sales manag_er of the West Oregon Lumber Co., Linnton, Ore., and Carl Crow, editor ol Crow's Lumber Digest, Portland.
The West Coast Air Transport Company will establish a daily service August 1, between Portland and San Francisco, making the trip in just a little over six hours. As an illustration of how easy it is to make the trip in six hours, one of their planes made the trip in four hours and thirty-six minutes from Portland to San Francisco.
Appointed Pilot At San Francisco
Capt. W. A. Magee, who is well known to the lumber trade of California, has been appointed bar pilot at San Francisco. Ife-was :master of the Forest Kittg, a lumber carrier that runs between Puget Sound and Calif-ornia ports. Mr. Magee was formerly connected $ith the lumber-business, at which time he made his headquarters in Seattle.