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J. R. HANIFY co.
Lumber and Shipping
Manuf acturers-Whohcalerl Rail and Cargo
?/l Market Street
Lor d,ng€ler Oftce
522 Ccntral Building
Douglas Fir
San Francirco, Calif.
Portland O6ce American Bank Bldg. Redwood Spruce
Members California Rcdwood Agociation
Philadelphia Lumberman Visits Redwood Sales Company Group of Mills
v W. N. Lawton, Philadelphia lumberman, of the Lawton Ilooring & Shingle Co. of that city, recently drove to Eureka over the Redrvood Highway in company with Fred V. Holmes, Holmes-Eureka f,umber Co.. and Charles S. Dodge, E. J. Dodge & Co., visiting en route the mills of the Redwood Sales Co. group.
A stop was made at Benbow's Hotel, near Garberville. In this splendid new hotel practically all the wood used is Redwood, and the Eastern visitor saw some beautiful examples of Redwood interior finish.
/ While at Eureka a meeting was called at which 27 heads 'of departments of the various mills of the Redwood Sales Co. attended for the purpose of discussing the problems involved in Eastern shipments of Redwood lumber.
After a very fine dinner at the Eureka Inn, the discussion turned to the question of how to irnprove, if possible, the methods of handling Eastern carload shipments, and how to enhance, if possible the reputation of "sequoia Brand" products.
Mr. Lawton stated that it is only necessary for Redwood lumber to become more widely known in the Eastern territory, in order that present sales may show a laige increase', and he predicted a big sale for California Redwood in the near future in that territory. He has become so enthused over the possibilities of the future of Redwood, particularly of "Sequoia Brand" products that he is going to represent the Redwood Sales Co. in the Atlantic Coast territory.
Those present at the meeting were as follows:
Lloyd P. Luther--E. J. Dodge Company.
T. H. Nelson-E.J. Dodge Company.
Alden Ball-Dolbeer & Carson Lbr. Co.
W. Larson-Holrnes Eureka Lbr. Co.
A. C. Nelson-E.J. Dodge Company.
T. W. Hine-Holmes Euteka Lbr. Co.
D. E. Holcomb-The Little River Hwd. Co.
John E. Suminsby-The Little River Hwd. Co.
J. Rafter-The Little River Hwd. Co.
Chas. S. Dodge-E. J. Dodge Company.
P. J. Rutledge-Dolbeer & Carson Lbr. Co.
A. Johanson-llolmes Eureka Lbr. Co.
Magnus Rudd-E. J. Dodge Company.
G. S. Kunkle-The Little River Hwd. Co.
E. J. Stewart-Dolbeer & Carson Lbr. Co.
E. Areklett-Holmes Eureka Lbr. Co.
L. B. Graham-Dolbeer & Carson Lbr. Co.
G. E. Knab-The Little River Hu'd. Co.
C. A. Moore-Dolbeer & Carson Lbr. Co.
G. C. Malcolm-Holmes Eureka Lbr. Co.
D. MacCormack-The Little River Hwd. Co.
G. McKinnon-Holmes Eureka Lbr. Co.
H. E. Newell-E. J. Dodge Company.
W. H. Dalton-Holmes Eureka Lbr. Co.
W. N. Lawton-Philadelphia, Penna.
Fred Holmes-Holmes Eureka Lbr. Co.