1 minute read
The Kitchen
Bg lach Dionne
The average lumber merchant could get rich selling kitchens alone, if he went at it right. No foolin'.
Of all the changes that have taken place since Noah built that single'windowed Ark and kept all the living things of the world in it for several months, right down to the beautiful, stepsaving, ventilated modern home-none have begun to equal the change that has taken place in the home kitchen.
It has, by reason of the most remarkable evolution, become a thing glorified. No longer is it an humble room of stove, sink, table and cupboard. Go through the attractive nBw home, which shows the last word in type, style, layout, finish, decoration, lighting, ventilation, equipment and general attractiveness, and what room- is it that catches and holds the attention today more than any other?
The KITCHEN! Every time!
Wonderful in scientific arrangement you find it. Every location carefully planned. The stove, the cabinets, the built-in holders of everything from pots and pans to eatables, the ironing board, broom closet, cooling closet, wonderfully arranged and equipped sinks, a place for everything with the least possible room, a thousand advantages and helps that the old-time kitchen never knew, dl beautifully done with attractive wood and tile and paint and enamel, remarkable as to arrangement and utility.
It is all planned and beautified to help the lady of the house-the real builder and user of the home. Throughout the land the idea of glorifying the kitchen has crept into everyrhome building endeavor, and this will continue as time goes on.
Mr. Lumber Merchant ! Walk into a kitchen like the one described, interpreted into details of your own. Be prepared to show it to the ladies of your town, either in picture orlin reality. Be prepared to sell them through the eyes. Of course, as you say, it's "llard to create a demand for lumber." But it isn't hard to create a demand for things like THESE that are made from lumber.
Plenty of people in your town don't know about modern kitchens. Are they learning from you?
flonest, if you sold all the kitchen equipment possible in your town this season your business would be prosperous, even though business in general might be, as you say-"Very quiet."
Why not prosper-and make friends-selling kitchens?