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toc -a new worJ /n, ReJwooJ
FI[-{HREE y.u"" of .orrtirr,ro.," .,.J
[ "ff".tirr" al.,e.tirirg lr^" ,n"J" tl"i. ""rn"rl"Ll" *ooJ kr.o*n to tL" p.rLli..
R.J*oo J'" ptrt.rro^"nol J.r".Lility, its resistance to termites, it" fi"e retatlant cLaracteristics, it" ,r.t.r"ulLeauty of .olo" orrJ gtain are appreciateJ Lyt.tter class t.rilJ"." tL" .o.^,n..y o.,...
To rto.k R"J*ooJ is to supply your t"aJe witL a proJuct enjoying a reputatio,, for o"l.r". It iJ"ntifi"t you, as a tetril l.r*te" J.Ju", *itl q...lity.
TL""" factors o"u .rr*r,'.J up in one *otJ-"Sto.t"Ll"." R"J*ooJ J"-
*u,'J L", Lu.'. "ro.r""J Ly..l.r rrr""""g"" i'o.Ji.g yo.," ,r"igLto"LooJ. It *i11 -o.,,. '*itL I.r, ,"llit g on your part. ft *ill .Lo-n yo' u p"ofit.
AJ-rertising prospectsp.orr"n .rul,rotl" itt 66% "f. tL" -^rLol.-are sent to J".1... stocking R.J-n.ooJ. TL"y ""u *o"tl' follo."irrg. AtL f". ttr'ose i,, you"
ArrJ wtit" fo" yo.r" f""" .opy of "C^lifo.ni. R"J',n.ooJ." It .orrttit, +.lrr.Llu irrfo"mation o' p"".ti.ully tll. natiwe wooJs.
TLu .o.rpo,' t"i"g" it.