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sales lor Pioneer Dealers! ours r Co., Inc.
OU'VE reeq it happen every Fal[ a suddetr rain and thousands oT ne* roof leaks. Thousands of home ownerr who o{fer you a big mad<et for Re-Roofing right over the old wood shingles.
tfome owners are not the only onee unprqnred for tain. FIow about the dealer who could make a hundred sales whete he makes only a few . how about the sales opportunities missed because the dealer can't supply the demand or because some roofing contractot takes the dealerts on the Licensed Pioneer Shingle Application agent the latter accurately estimates the cost of the entire iob clos6 the sale for the dealet does the work guarantees it amangeo easy Pa''ments for the ownef.
Thatts why Pioneer Dealers make more sales and more profit with less selling efrort . without increasing investment in stocks. Thatts why Pioneer Dealers are never unprepared when the rains come they make sales instead of promises of delivery.
TION is thehe needs. It is help he can get nowhere elset
The Pioneer Plan givec the dealer real sales coopetation. When he gets a prospect he can call
You can get this help you can have this came money-making sales cooperation. And back of it you have the service of the Pioneer Engineering Department to help you with special problems . and unlimited stocks to serve every need of your customers.
Write today for the details of the Pioneer Deder Plen.. or PHONE DElaware 2111.
Pioneer Paper Cornpany, fnc. Bo: 120, Arcade Station, Los Angeler, Calif.
Date I would like tol k;"--th.-];if-J;;F;l-i; PIONEER PLAN OF 3 ITAY DEALER CO. OPERATION please send rne all particularr,
Big Hardwood Flooring Banquet In Los Angeles
A social event of considerable interest was staged at the Cafe Marie Louise in Los Angeles the night of Thursday, July 26th. It u'as a banquet given by the wholesale hardwood flooring yards of Los Angeles to their list of sponsored hardwood flooring contractors in that city. There are about 130 firms on the sponsored list, and these firms brought about 175 men to the banquet, which was a very delightful one. Charlie Cooper acted as master of ceremonies for the evening, and addresses were made by Kenneth Smith, of Los Angeles, Secretary of the local retail lumber and millwork groups, and by Col. Smith of the Better American Federation. The meeting was jovial in its atmosphere, and served to bring about better acquaintances and better feeling betrveen the hardwood wholesalers and the contractors, and between the contractors themselves.
B. Greeley, secretary-manager of the West Coast WESTERN HARDwooD LUMBER CoMPANY Lumbermen's Associatin, Seattle, rias the speaker 1t.a I toKES ovDER special luncheon meeting called by the Douglas Fir Club, 1
San Francisco, July 13.
/ fhg famous old hardwood flooring yard of the National col. Greetey discussed the probrems of the industry, "naVHttdY:rtd".c:Tl1l.I' i" Los Angeles, is no more' The busiexpressed the belief that the newly organized association :.t^t:r"iLjl"^t-kt 5t" purchased by The western "Hardwiil receive the kind of co-operaiion "fro- its members ::rtd.*"i*l^t-:-T.o"ny' as announced some time since, which is vitally necessary for the working o.tt or trr.r" and the stocks were nlQved to the big western plant' probrems. ffi';::'1":3j i,"1il"'ii5il:i, ffi i?JiT;"T*"".,'it:J:"":t:
J. Walter Kelly, sales manager of Chas. R. McCormick forces, their delivety "q"ip*."t, ""Aift.ir office i"..". itr"y Lumber Co., presided. The attendance numbered fifty, and are continuing the National flooring business as a departincluded Charles R. McCormick, Chas. R. McCormick Lum- ment of their business. ber Co. ; James Tyson, Chas. Nelson Co.; A. G. Harms, Frank Auten, popular hardwood flooring man in Los AnPope & Talbot; George Thompson, Douglas Fir Export geles for many years, is well equipped with this world's Co., and many other prominent lumbermen. goods, and is making no active business plans.
BROWN'S SUPERCEDAR closet.lining business is GOOD.
Have you foreEeen this great demand with a stock or have you been left at the post? Put in a stock of BROWN'S SUPERCEDAR closet-lining and