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California Leads Lf. S. in Air Transport Development
California is setting the rest of the U. S. a merry pace in its patronage of air transportation. Note these interesting facts:
In 1927 the airplane service that connects Los Angeles with Catalina Island carried one-fourth of all the air passengers transported in the entire United States. And not an accident in three years.
For several months past big air ships are giving regular and exact service daily between Los Angeles and San Francisco. The fastest non-stop train requires twelve hours between these two cities. The planes guarantee to deliver you in three hours, and in the months they have been operating there have been only two late trips recorded, once eight minutes, the other, twelve. Frequently they make the tfip 25 minutes inside of schedule. They serve a wonderful luncheon on the ships.
Los Angeles far eclipsed the rest of the world in its patronage of air mail service in 1927. The per capita use of air mail that year in Los Angeles was four times that of any other city or district in the United States, and twelve times greater than the New York City per capita patronage.
Dependable and efficient air passenger service between Los Angeles and Salt Lake City has been in continual operation for three vears. Plans are perfecting at present for fast service like that between Los Angeles and San Francisco to connect these cities with St. Louis, Chicago, New York and across the south to El Paso, San Antonio, Ilouston and New Orleans. One of the Los Angeles-San Francisco planes would easily travel from Los Angeles to Ffouston between daylight and dark.
Not only are plans being made but investments are already being made on the theory that within ten years by reason of air transportation business people in Los Angeles and San Francisco will make their homes one hundred to two hundred miles away, and commute into town like they now come five to fifteen miles.
In the true flying sense, "It won't be long now."
Mutual Profit
Never waste a man's time by proposing to sell him somethingiin which there is no profit for him. Unless he wilt be the gainer by patronizing you, you had better not make the sale. I "He profits most who serves best." You must give before you can,get. If you give worthwhile service, you will get three-fold the returns.
Skirt Boarde (Ironing)
Sleeve Boards (lroning)
Ironing BoardsCollapsible with atand Cabinet
Specialties made of wood
Pitcher Sliding Door frames and hangers
Pacific Five-Ply (Redwood Core) Wallboard
Built-In Fixtures (Complete line)
Kitchen furniture (Caaes and cabinets)
Kitchen tables
Pipe, continuous stave and machine banded
Portable houses
Log cabins
Parlc benchec
Cross Arms
Tent polea
Flag polea
Paatry boardg
Bread boarde
Breakfast scts
Card table scrvice trays.