1 minute read
(r Stayrng theMofM/
Fire knows no law. By naturc it is like the wild beast thag without reetraint, delights to destroy and devour its uneuepecting prey, or like the hardened criminal who, without a bat of the eye or a tinge of remorse, plungee a dagger into the heart of a hclpless victim. Juet as we have learned to guard against wild beaet and murderer, so must we, by fire prevention, stay the destroying hand of 6re.
It ie the business of the Agsociated Lurnber Mutuals to help their policy holders; 6rst, in 6re prevention, and second, in prompt payment for losses. We give the cooperation of expcrts to reduce riskg and prevent 6res. When 6res do come, our resourcea and repution guarantee fair adjustments and prompt eettlemcnta. Through our dividends, which rcprescnt a saving of about 40%, the best ineurance a lumberman can buy ie actually furnished at lowest coet.
Any of our comfunies will be gl:ail to tell you about our fire preaention service, the full coverage of our policies, and, the sazting in cost efrected by our iliztiilenils.