3 minute read
Vtctor Hishuay Aduertising
N the support of Vctor and Hydro-Plastic dealers in the State of California the Southw€stern Pordand Cemetrt Company has taken up an ambitious prografir in outdoor advertising. These boards are of the peflrranent type and fully 2O alu.'ady adorrr highways up and dovrn the coast and on dl main roads leading to Los Angeles. ft is our intention to acquaint the public with the unusual qualities of Victor Hydro-Plastic Water?roofd Cement. The cement working trade is well advised of its easy plasticity and smooth workability, but we wish to stress and impre* the public mind with the inherent and peffianent waterproof qualities which solve many important problems in California construction.
Deolers and contractors, watch the results of this carnpaign
The public is going to CALL for Victor Hyd,ro-Pla^stic
605 II. TY. Heltnan Bldg.t Loc Angelesr Gelltornla
No Mistake
"Are you positive," inquired the attorney, "that your husband was home with you the night this crime was committed?"
"Efen he wasn't," replied Mandy, "Ah done busted a rollin'pin ovah some innercent man's haid."
The Efficient Man
The efficient Jman is a type, not an exotic. Like a diamond he is discovered, not thrown up by the sea-
He bears rleither reference nor credential, but his own personality
He is willing to learn, being naturally a better listener than a talker.
He is a good leader because he knows how to follow.
He does not mistake his learning for wisdom; his eloquence for philosophy; nor his clothes for his individuality.
He is willing to go slow, but he will not stop.
Circumstances neither overwhelm nor uproot him, because he is master of himself.
He accepts conditions as they are, and sees men as t'hey are.
'Whenever there is a choice he takes sides; but nerrer resists natural law, nor presumes upon his own infallibility.
He wins because he is..right rather than luckyi and his victories-they are permanent.
-Wade, of Fort Worth.
The First Company
In a recent examination in the American Institute of Banking, one of the questions was: "Who formed the first c-ompany?"
A certain bright young banker was a bit puzzled at this, but was not to be floored. IIe wrote: "Noah successfully foated a loan company while the rest of the world was in liquidation."
But The Malady Lingers On
"So you had an operation. What for?t'
"Three hundred dollars.t'
"No, no. I mean what did the doctors take out of you?"
"Three hundred dollars.t'
"You donnt get me. What did you have?"
"Three hundred dollars."
"Oh, I see. I was just wondering." A Good Laugh Aids Digestion.
He Won It
At West Point there is a timely custom of presenting a loving cup to the officer of the corps who has the first baby after graduation. One of the cadets was graduated one year and forthwith had a pair of twins. He was given two loving cups.

A sweet young thing was visiting his home, saw the cups, and remarked in an enthusiastic way: "Oh, Lieutenant ! I didn't know you were an athlete."
Meant The Same Thing
"I wants to be procrastinated at de next corner," said the colored passenger.
. "You want to be what at the next corner?" asked the puzzled conductor of the car.
"Doan lose yore tempeh," said the colored one, philosophically; "de dictionary says procrastinate means 'put off'.tt
The Best Gift
I gave a beggar from my little store of wealth, some gold; He spent the shining ore and came again and yet again, Still cold and hungry as before.
I gave a thought-and through that thought of mine, He found himself, the man supreme, divine, Fed, clothed, and crowned with blessings manifold; And now he begs np more.
A Pair Of Tights
Two Scotchmen took dinner together at a restaurant. After dinner the waiter brought the check. The two sat and talked for a couple of hours, after which conversation failed, and they merely smoked in silence. At I am. one of them got up and telephoned to his wife. "Dinna wait up any longer fer me, lass," he said; "it looks like a deadlock."-VVire and Pipe.
According to science, coal increases in quality with increasing age, and the longer it stays in the ground the better it is. No fuel like an old fuel.-Passing Show.
For Little Girls Only
Mamma will tuck her little one in; Sleep now, my darling, it's good for the skin; And skin is important, for soon comes the day When baby commences her skin game to play.
Mamma will help you, mamma advise, Take the hard look away from your eyes; Mamma will tell het lamb what to do, Then Zeigfeld will come and glorify you.