2 minute read
By Jack Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 20 years-Some less
The colored preacher had taken "Heaven" for his text this Sunday morning, and with unusual power and imagiqation he had for a solid hour pictured the Golden Shore, its wonders and beauties, and pointed out the delightful future that awaited the Faithful. Finally he said:
"And now, bredern an' sistern, all dose who wants to go to Heaven, please stand up."
Los Angeles City Hall
Everyone in the church got up except Brother Brown, who held his seat, while from all parts of the church curious eyes gazed upon him in won.derment.
The preacher fixed him with his very inquiring eye, and asked: panel 9 feet high around the entire room and by the massive girders and cross-beams of the ceiling, which is entirely of California Redwood.
"Brotheh Brown, doan youall want to go to Heaven?tt "Yassuh," said Brother Brown, cautiously, "Ah wants to go to Heaven, a'right, but Ah doan wanta go wid no ercursion."
The painted decorations of the ceiling consist of various coats of arms and emblems placed at intervals, and borders and other compositions of 'color harmony.
Hand-hewn -beams, also of California Redwood, enhance the appearance of the four aisles adjoining the main rbtunda.
"Every now and then we hear someone complain that they used some Philippine Mahogany and that in rubbing it down they couldn't run the 'fuzz' of.f of. it and also that it was so porous it consumed too much 'filler"', we told Mr. B. W. Cadwallader, of Los Angeles, the veteran manufacturer, importer, and distributor of Philippine hardwoods, and then asked: "Why is that ?"
The Los Angeles City Hall, dominating the skyline of Los Angeles, departs from the conventional public building both in exterior and interior design.
The style of architecture might be termed as Italian Classic and its majestic tower gives the modernistic impression.
As to the interior, probably one of the most unique and elaborately decorated rooms is the reception hall of the Mayor's suite (shou'n abcive) which with its southeast exposure has a nrost cheerful, restful and quiet environment.
This note is carried throughout the reception hall by a
"Simple enough," replied Mr. Cadwallader. "There are about two thousand varieties of hardwoods growing in the Philippines, of various characters, hardness, and quality. The people you heard kick simply used the wrong kind of Philippine. There is plenty of Philippine that will rub down withoat'fizzing', will not take an undue quantity of 'filler' and will take and hold a brilliint piano finish. But there is also plenty that won'.t. They must use the right kind for the purpose desired".
Which seems to us to be a perfectly reasonable answer.
Lewis Godard, Hobbs-Wall & Co., San Francisco, recently returned from a business trip to the Northwest, in the course of which he visited a large number of mills in Washington and Oregon.