1 minute read
Grnde-marked doors
Tbe letters $m on Douglas Fir doors, madz fu member nills of this Association, protide arch,itects, d.eahrs, builden anl zsers with an aluiys auilable guaranne of qaalitl. It means that the offcial inspectors if tbe Vaien Dior Manufactarers' Ai6ciation baae insticte d tbe mana fact ure and irading of tbe prodact bearinrt this tradc noih, ood that iuch doTri nnfirn to tbe standard grades established by tbe Association.
Your sewices, integrity and good reputation are entitled to the fullest protection, so a statement to the buyer that your quotations arc ongrade-marked doors is a sales argument in your favor and a positive protection on your bid.
The millslisted belownow grade-mark the house and garage doors they make thus providing your customers with a guarantee of quality and a selection ofgrades most economical for their needs.
You will find that Douglas Fr grade-marAea doors will build up your door department on an increasingly profitable basis-a merchantable basis of qualiry identifud.
Any of the mills listed below will send you a copy of the grading rules adopted by the members of the r$Testern Door Manufacnrrers' Association.